Example sentences of "too [det] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He noticed too that for the first time since he had arrived at the Cages there was a total silence , as if all the eagles , and all the imprisoned creatures thereabout had instinctively understood that this old eagle 's troubled painful words marked an end to a terrible life ; and perhaps in some strange way the beginning of something none dared hope might come to pass .
2 It may be too that in the lower regions of society women were freer to find at least part-time employment : the distaff provided occupation for almost all , and even if the invention of the spinning wheel may have reduced the opportunities for some , it enormously increased those of others .
3 We now know too that in the later part of that time a form of Greek was widely spoken there .
4 We know that the immune system in that disease produces immunoglobulins ( which are antibodies , in the spinal fluid , which is the fluid surrounding the brain and spinal chord ) product antibodies there in the way that normal people do not , and there 's evidence too that around the areas of damaged insulation in the central nervous system , which is the characteristic abnormality or lesion in this condition , there are cells that are known to be committed to making antibody , or to aiding the production of antibody .
5 Comparative Neurobiology by Peter Mill has a lot about standard muscle and nerve physiology , nothing about development and too little about the status and functioning of the invertebrate nervous system .
6 Generally speaking , we know all too little about the teacher 's perspective on pedagogy ; we make generalizations which are not based on anything in the way of reliable information .
7 As Scherer concludes , ‘ we know far too little about the methods of goal formation and conflict resolution within large organizations .
8 We know too little about the internal social relations of some of the earliest collective and collaborative forms to speak with any certainty of that stage .
9 We know that black elderly people , for example , have very little contact with formal social services but we know far too little about the reasons for this .
10 It was widely thought , for instance , that too much of the team 's money was going to the Fittipaldi family and too little into the preparation of the car .
11 Too much time was spent on student journalism and other pursuits and too little on the books .
12 Timeshare is not normally a solution SAVE would recommend for a historic house because so much of the expenditure goes on pure marketing , leaving too little for the building , but where it is well organized the outcome may be satisfactory .
13 If the room be too mean , and too little for the books ; if it be too much out of repair ; if the situation be inconvenient ; if the access to it be dishonourable ; is the library keeper to answer for it ? …
14 Maybe it has been charging too little for the uncertainties involved , but that is another matter .
15 It has imprudently striven to appeal far too much to the manufacturing and commercial interest and far too little to the landed interest .
16 Too much attention , he added , was given to obtaining indentures and too little to the quality of the training .
17 Enright has pointed out with regard to media that ‘ too much attention has been given to the possibilities of the new media supplanting the book , and far too little to the ways in which each can and does supplement the other ’ .
18 Claiming that Tyacke has paid too much attention to the academic debates of the university teachers and too little to the realities of parochial life , he asserted that throughout the period from 1529 to 1640 the English church was in essence a monarchical church whose leaders were primarily concerned to maintain stability by restricting controversy .
19 Freud seems to give too much weight to the belief in Christ , and too little to the actual people in the church structures and the emotional ties that may build up between the ‘ secondary leader ’ and the believers .
20 The Suez operation smacked too much of a Normandy-style landing , and too little of the quick military reaction needed in the nuclear era , which is also the era of instant communication and mass-media debate on a world scale .
21 But it tells us too little of the horses and the mules and the packs he used ; it tells us nothing of his carts and his boats ; and this is an area of scholarship curiously underdeveloped .
22 State provision of toll goods is justified on efficiency grounds if exclusion is relatively costly to enforce or too little of the good is consumed because people are excluded from using a good which is non-rivalrous in consumption .
23 er Parents predicament is understandable , there have been many tragedies in the past where local authorities perhaps took too much notice of the parents and too little of the children .
24 There is little evidence that peasant faith declined , but the authority of village priests was progressively undermined : in terms of culture and way of life they differed too little from the ordinary villagers to inspire much respect , and the miserly provision made them by the State resulted in constant friction over money matters between priest and parishioner .
25 His pitches contained little , perhaps too little in the way of technical information , such as profit figures , PE ratios , etc .
26 Yet too few of the teachers in training are themselves bilingual ( or even multilingual ) .
27 There seem to be too many outlets in Wales , for example , but too few in the north of England .
28 Does my right hon. Friend agree that there are possibly far too few people in the Chamber and , even more important , far too few in the Smoking Room , the most vital part of the House of Commons ?
29 Then too some of the new man-made fibres are improving ; they are losing their old harshness of touch and are being produced in a better range of colours .
30 ( Usually this is the pilot 's fault for holding the glider down too much during the initial climb , or failing to get right up into the normal angle of climb . )
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