Example sentences of "put her [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Put her into a chair . ’
2 As we put her into the chair , she opened her eyes .
3 So I says to Maggie , we 'll phone insurance , I put her on t' phone , and she said he were , he were right clever with her !
4 have they put her on a diet ?
5 But Antony was doing it and you put her on the tumbledryer behind him , and it was so funny cos he 's like this with his head going round Antony looking , every
6 Yeah , I put her on the bus .
7 so I put her on the floor , lifted her feet up to get the blood back to her head
8 " We put her through the drain , " Andrew explained her condition to Dada .
9 Put her in a madhouse , ’ said Lee .
10 Put her in a hole and stoned her and covered her up with earth before she was dead .
11 Catching hold of her and she could n't get back do you seem because he had slipped this hand down this stick , got hold of her and he you see , and then I let go of the dog and take the the front feet and we used to drag her out like that you see , from the burrow and put her in a bag .
12 put her in a mental hospital or a
13 she said no , Jean said oh I ca n't walk that , have a bloody heart attack she says , so they put her in a trolley
14 they put her in a bloody trolley and oh course she said , this woman said erm
15 she said yeah she said sorted that out and put her in a trolley
16 Put her in an early grave ?
17 Put her in the past . ’
18 Put her in the infirmary until then — strapped down , of course . ’
19 There 's , there 's a nurse goes in to bath her everyday , put her in the bath , so then there 's the home help visit , the
20 Look Charlotte ca n't do anything without being messy , look , the other , the other erm morning I went to school to pick Ben up , er and I put her in the car seat , she 's lovely and clean , and I give her a biscuit , by the time we got
21 put her in the bedroom and then enjoy the rest of Christmas !
22 She had stayed at Thomas a while and now this officer was to put her on a stage for home .
23 You 'd like that , would n't you , Leith ? ’ he had the unmitigated nerve to put her on the spot .
24 Jealous voices reminded the Count of this again and again ; eventually he decided to put her to the test .
25 With the watery light in imminent danger of failing , we wedged our empty mugs in the sink , dropped the dock lines and took Islander out into Southampton Water to put her to the test .
26 Her cruel circumstances conspired to put her into a remand home at 14 — and from there she went to an adolescent unit , until the age of 17 .
27 ‘ We do n't want to put her under a great deal of pressure after what she 's been through .
28 It was winter and I was changing her clothes three times a day and my self-control snapped and I shook her very hard to stop her sitting down without her pants and was so upset by my behaviour and frightened by what I had done that they agreed to put her in a home .
29 The day her mother was due to put her in an institution Ursula Findlay , a nurse from Gloucestershire visited the ward .
30 He was trying to put her in the wrong again .
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