Example sentences of "put [pron] more [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I got a letter from one of my constituents who put it more succinctly than I did , ’ she said .
2 Indeed , much of the film has dated badly , by comparison with the better American films of around the same time ( Wild River , Psycho , The Hustler , El Cid ) , or to put it more neutrally appears less attractive than it did in its own time .
3 Do these words refer to the actual expense incurred by the school in providing the benefit or do they refer to the hypothetical expense incurred by the school arrived at by the formula of dividing the total cost of running the school by the number of pupils attending it or to put it more shortly do they refer to the additional or the average cost of the provision of the benefit .
4 What is tying these together is an ideal , or to put it more concretely , a certain position associated with some alienated intellectuals in late capitalist society .
5 COMING soon , maybe : a triumph for the gods of chaos , lunacy and bad taste - or , to put it more plainly , a film version of John Kennedy Toole 's wonderfully funny cult novel , A Confederacy of Dunces .
6 With this diversity , extended distribution and mobility , came new forms and opportunities of artistic and cultural independence ; or , to put it more strictly , forms of direct dependence , within relatively monopolistic social and cultural reproduction , were modified and sometimes replaced by forms of more variable dependence on more diverse modes of such reproduction , and within this diversity there was some significant innovation .
7 To put it more briefly , the property FRENCH applies to or ( other things equal ) is true of that which is designated by the noun .
8 To put it more simply , why should they bother ?
9 To put it more simply , I wanted to look at the reciprocal interaction between individuals and their immediate social world .
10 To put it more simply , all economies experience booms and slumps , many of which are quite drawn out or persistent .
11 To put it more crudely , those students who are male , white , middle-class and Christian , will very rarely have their views challenged or have to make sympathetic adjustments as a consequence .
12 These abilities promote animals in our affections or , to put it more academically , are moral points in their favour .
13 Second and equally important , as Fratter ( 1989 ) also asks , can parents release and mourn a child to whom they are attached or to put it more bluntly , can parents mourn a child that is not dead ?
14 This public impression thrives in a climate of secrecy , or , to put it more fairly , in a climate where there is a lack of information on the selection process , the selection criteria , the selection policy and the selection decisions .
15 But with those grown to man 's estate , I think he fails ; he failed with me , or to put it more correctly , I failed with him .
16 These three approaches are usually called Realism , Pluralism , and Structuralism , or , to put it more graphically , the billiard-ball , cobweb , and layer-cake models .
17 The beginning of conversation with strangers is all about finding something in common — or , to put it more succinctly and to use a very 1990s ' word , to discover commonality .
18 To put it more succinctly , diagnosis prognosticates aetiology. ( 136–8/138–9 )
19 To put it more brutally , there is no other sport in which the participants are so habitually semi-literate .
20 Secondly , it will go , in accordance with the voter 's intention , to his next-preference candidate , or to put it more accurately — since it can not go to a candidate already elected or eliminated — to his next available preference .
21 Do they behave in the same way syntactically , or , to put it more accurately , do topics , like themes , have no syntax ?
22 Or , to put it more accurately , any fifty of the hundred she 'd got lined up .
23 But they will hope to put themselves more firmly on the map under their new name of Darlington Mowden Park next season a move which Darlington opposed .
24 Putting it more simply , it 's all down to you and me !
25 Putting it more simply , a racing program is always a programming error and may be considered broken .
26 Putting it more generally , I am suggesting a major difference in ‘ compromisability ’ between different kinds of goals .
27 If we return to the example of our widget-making factory after the introduction of the new production process , with half its workforce put on to the labour market ( or , putting it more bluntly , sacked ) , then many of them are likely to be eligible for unemployment benefit .
28 So without really putting it more bluntly er , was there always the option to call this off ?
29 Ah , let me put it more clearly , because I do n't think I 've put the question clearly enough .
30 Now Professor Lock referred to allocations and I think that 's probably and the front of his mind er having regard to his own comments , but I I would put it more widely as just erm exceptions which could be either individual allocations or indeed erm policies of of a local plan .
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