Example sentences of "still have a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 So , an enterprising chap by the name of Len Middleton came up with an idea that would present the bait on fine , supple line ( the hair ) , and yet still have a strong hook attached to a strong , somewhat rigid line .
2 An effort should be made , however , to make them feel that they still have a strong role to play in your life , and that their opinions are still valued and respected .
3 In fact , modern crocodiles still have a strong resemblance to their long-lost thecodont ancestors , particularly the 230 million-year-old Chasmatosaurus , possessing the same pattern of bony scutes or plates — like armour — beneath the skin .
4 The Protocol also leaves out ‘ soft ’ CFCs , which have a much lower potential for ozone depletion but still have a destructive effect .
5 So we 've been starting on the , but this is a bit of a shame though because , what I like , when we , when we , when we have our three days off , it 's nice to know on your , on your last day off that still have a late night because your not back to work until the afternoon you know .
6 Even today some creatures , such as modern sharks , still have a solid gelatinous backbone , probably exemplifying an embryonic structure midway between the cartilaginous and bony vertebra of more developed classes .
7 Lesley feels it in the sense of there being so few strong female images in the business : ‘ People still have a preconceived , stereotyped ideal of what women in bands are supposed to be and how we 're supposed to perform or behave . ’
8 ‘ It 's a big disappointment to lose Kharin , but despite that we still have a good team — although when we play Rangers in Glasgow in April I do n't know how many players we will have left . ’
9 ‘ If we win this game then we still have a good chance of qualifying from this group .
10 Good , that means we still have a good chance . ’
11 We still have a six-point buffer but I expect us to have to go to the last day of the season . ’
12 Unfortunately the eye is then aphakic ( loss of lens ) and the children still have a visual problem .
13 However , the Lords still have a complete veto over legislation designed to extend the life of Parliament beyond five years and over statutory instruments , an apparently minor point which was brought sharply to public attention when the Lords rejected the Southern Rhodesia ( Sanctions ) Order in 1968 .
14 ‘ Whether it 's a right or a duty to report , you still have a professional judgment to make about the circumstances and , frankly , those will be the same .
15 It was good to see a reference in your magazine to valve amplification ( EW + WW August 1991 ) , but I still have a certain frustration that you may be able to help me with .
16 Some houses of this time still have a fortified and military feeling , but most are Gothic in spirit .
17 Now you still have a major second but you have a minor third which makes it minor scale does n't it ?
18 Although colleges do not award an NVQ themselves , they still have a major role to play in providing the means whereby trainees can gain competence and be assessed in their job .
19 ‘ I 'm afraid that you still have a major problem , ’ the family lawyer had pointed out .
20 Paul Mellon : The book has n't in any way curtailed my privacy because I still have the same life ; I still have people to answer the telephone ; I still have a private airplane and my travel plans are unannounced ; and I lead my own life .
21 Both cities still have a tiny Jewish population .
22 Although LMS sees LEAs transfer much of their powers , authorities still have a key role to play as the principal source of advice on the complexities of employment law and on fair procedures for appointment , discipline , grievance and dismissal .
23 It is possible to cater for a sweet tooth and still have a healthy diet .
24 Why , I still have a long workout in my net every morning even before our first cuppa ginseng .
25 Sadly one has to conclude , if the illustrations of lessons reported in the published text are anything to go by ( and one can hardly conceive that the team held back good lessons ) then we still have a long way to go before we can claim with confidence that drama on the curriculum guarantees good education .
26 A spokesman from Body Positive , a support group for people with the virus justified the campaign : ‘ We still have a long way to go because the general public is still very ignorant and there 's a lot of misinformation around . ’
27 Continued help in learning Spanish — I can now communicate , but still have a long way to go in fully understanding what people are saying to me
28 Clearly we still have a long way to go to understand just how InsP 3 acts to open individual channels .
29 A closer look at the supposed benefits of object-oriented technology reveals that we still have a long way to go to realise them fully .
30 They saw the boom falling , but still have a long way to go to fill the hole that the decline of the mainframe is about to open up .
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