Example sentences of "many of the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Many of the right kinds of incentives will be put in place , but will decision-makers respond by carefully considering their options within an economic evaluation framework , or will by respond in a more ad hoc manner ?
2 For example , the information booklets prepared for parents had obviously been written with care and many of the right sentiments were expressed .
3 Despite pursuing many of the right policies , many of its people are getting poorer .
4 The business of the media department is to ensure , within the financial restraints imposed , that the client 's advertising is seen by as many of the right people as possible at the right time .
5 These allowed many former civil servants to enter business ( notably in Zambia ) and many of the established traders of west Africa ( most dramatically in Nigeria ) to move from commerce into production .
6 Their visits break many of the established patterns of human/dolphin encounter : they accept gifts of dead fish ( one theory is that the dolphins receive the fish as a signal from humans that they have come to play and interact ) , and they maintain their own social grouping while at the same time allowing close human contact .
7 They have been there over years and many of the established patterns of reaction are demanding to be looked at .
8 But while rightsizing may be good news for end-users , it is bad news for many of the established giants of the IT industry .
9 The Church settlement was bitterly resented amongst the Scottish nobility , and also amongst many of the established clergy , more than half of whom refused to accept the abolition of episcopacy .
10 Although many of the official reports point to a need for a school to have a clear view , which they should communicate to pupils and parents , of what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviour , they do not attempt to define these concepts .
11 Short-term contract working in manufacturing differed from short-term contract or seasonal working in the three service sectors described above and , indeed , from the other forms of temporary working we have examined in this study , ion that many of the temporary workers concerned were " involuntary " temporary workers .
12 Many of the practical examples given in this book contain reference to work in other curriculum areas .
13 Many of the chemical reactions in the cell actually go on in the fabric of membranes ; a membrane acts as a combined conveyor-belt and test-tube rack .
14 In response the National Revolutionary Movement ( MNR ) , the main opposition party to which many of the Supreme Court judges were linked , began impeachment proceedings against Paz Zamora , claiming that he had flouted the Constitution and the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court by agreeing to the extradition of the drug trafficker and former interior minister Luis Arcé Gomez to the United States in December 1989 [ see pp. 37487-88 ] .
15 Unless nitrogen pollution is significantly reduced , many of the rare plants for which conservation sites were designated or nature reserves were set up will disappear .
16 Although not foolproof ( rare compounds of high frequency words will still be permitted ) this has removed many of the rare compounds .
17 This was particularly the case amongst many of the female students , several of whom expressed anxiety about handling machinery or breaking expensive equipment ( unlike Paul , who was able to make jokes about it ) :
18 I hope too that this beautiful countryside and this beautiful college will be conducive to good thoughts , reflections and reappraisals , and if I might say to the men I hope there are not too many of the female students floating up and down the corridors to further divert your attention .
19 But as they gently mock the truth of their attachment they relapse into prose , which in their mouths lacks many of the anti-romantic , realistic , mocking connotations it has elsewhere in Shakespeare .
20 The Slavs were mainly adherents of the Orthodox Church , and many of the Slav clergy saw in the Russian Church an ally in the struggle against the Phanariot Greek clergy , backed by the sultan , who wished to remove Slav influences both from the liturgy and from the administration of the Church .
21 In conclusion , it is clear that from this examination of the state of weaponry and warfare throughout the reign of Barbarossa , and given that he lived to the age of 70 , he must have experienced many of the gradual changes and improvements in arms and armour that occurred during the twelfth century .
22 Many of the gradual developments are likely to come from groups in the Oxford environment .
23 Winters are wild enough to curtail many of the outdoor pursuits that attract in the first place .
24 Since many of the outdoor works of art suffer from natural wear , pollution , vandalism and neglect , the new registry will contain condition assessments .
25 Moreover , many of the international deals that made US military action possible in the Gulf , were conceived of , or concluded during the UN World Summit for Children in September 1990 .
26 ‘ Even though many of the international investors face slowdown in their home countries , ’ said Lee Suan Hiang of the government 's Economic Development Board , ‘ companies are relying on their investment in southeast Asia to maintain their growth levels , as this is the world 's fastest growing region . ’
27 GKR 's consultants were then , and are now , similar in style , qualifications and background to those at Russell Reynolds and Spencer Stuart , but without any of the American trappings , and certainly without the aggressive marketing and obsession with business development which marks many of the international firms .
28 Many of the international firms have a broad range of consultants who have differing styles and philosophies and therefore potentially appeal to a wide and diversified range of clients .
29 In this sense many of the international firms will try to be all things to all people .
30 There is no doubt that many of the serious stall/spin accidents are caused by poor planning which leads to situations involving difficult manoeuvring near the ground , putting the pilots under stress so that they make mistakes or fly badly enough to stall and spin in .
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