Example sentences of "many of [art] first " in BNC.

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1 Many of the first group completed a training course to provide practical help in the home for a small number of people ill with HIV/AIDS .
2 Among Sikhs , for example , many of the first male immigrants arrived in the 1950s , by the 60s they had been joined by their wives and children and by the 70s many of them had brought their elderly parents .
3 They too were a family of skilled craftsmen and , like so many of the first two generations of South Wales industrial settlers , retained a small interest in country matters , raising pigs and often keeping a pony or two on the outskirts of their villages .
4 Papert evidently dislikes many of the first uses of computers in education , but is more interested in their power to transform schools than to abolish them .
5 This is partly because of the great competition brought about by the flood of new records over the past two years which has prompted the major record companies to reissue at mid-price ( and sometimes in the bargain range ) many of the first generation of digital records made in the early 1980s .
6 Furthermore , many of the first incomers had ( and still have ) a rather cosy view of life in Shetland , they pursued the meaningful ‘ community ’ : as a consequence , these individuals tended to establish their closest relations with the bearers of Shetland tradition , the older Shetlanders .
7 He recognised that many of the first and second generation of industrial urbanites were morally and socially disorientated — in a state of anomie or normlessness ( a sort of perpetual culture shock ) .
8 Many of the first traces of human habitation in what we now call Scotland have been identified from bones and stone implements found in caves along the approaches to the eastern firths of Forth and Tay .
9 Many of the first group , it can be presumed , were married women , while some were teenagers who had taken part-time temporary jobs whilst still at school .
10 Many of the first colonies were built at the expense of societies the settlers did n't understand because their cultures varied from Earth basic , ’ she said .
11 By 1927–8 many of the first generation of intellectuals had already left , disillusioned by increasingly sectarian politics and rigorously disciplined organisational structures .
12 These men supplied many of the first generation of Russian permanent representatives in western Europe : of the twelve of these accredited in the first decade of the eighteenth century five had been members of the group of students sent to Venice in 1697 .
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