Example sentences of "many [vb base] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 Mr McGahon 's controversial proposal comes at a time when the British Government is under mounting pressure to radically review what many perceive as an outdated judicial system .
2 These may be provoked by the lowered self esteem that many suffer as a result of teasing and criticism by peers , parents , and teachers .
3 It is hard to under-estimate the influence of the Popular Church in the lives of Salvadorean women who have become involved in the opposition movement , For many it has been the crucial eye-opener , the starting-point for what many describe as the transformation of their lives and their commitment to revolutionary change , Particularly among the poor , in the shanty towns and in campesino communities , women have become actively critical of the government because of the influence of their church leaders , Many have been encouraged to join self-help organizations or trade unions through their church and from there have developed wider political commitments .
4 Public health medicine has in many respects been in the vanguard of specialty training , with a unified training grade combining registrar and senior registrar grades since 1982 and a well structured training programme , which many regard as a model of its kind .
5 There was a great deal of anger and frustration at what many regard as a seriously over-elaborate system of government , administration and decision-making .
6 Some of those held on remand will be found not guilty and a significant proportion do not receive custodial sentences when their case is finally heard — points not lost on the government , which is investing in additional bail hostels , special bail information schemes run by the probation service and , more controversially , pilot schemes malting use of electronic ‘ tagging ’ equipment ; these are all ways , it is hoped , to reduce what many see as an unnecessary and wasteful use of prison resources .
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