Example sentences of "after [pron] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 My sister looked after me for a week .
2 Miguel promised to look after me for a year while I got some business experience before going to university . ’
3 Three who suffered particularly at the time were Richard and Phoebe Winch who lived just below the Centre and in whose house I often took my evening glass of ‘ allowed ’ claret , and Ann Willson who looked after me for the Saturday and Sunday .
4 If the wife is unable to take a nap in the afternoon when the children are napping , then possibly there is someone who could look after them for a few hours at least one day a week for her to regain her strength .
5 I 've been after them for a long time and I 'll get them for this . ’
6 Theda stood looking after them for a moment , aware of her own burning curiosity .
7 She 's going to look after them for a little while
8 As well as coaching many of Britain 's leading international crews , Spracklen is a key member of the Oxford University team , and he will be returning from Canada in March to look after them for the last fortnight before the Boat Race .
9 mother you do not have to stay there , why , I mean he 's quite capable looking after himself for a weekend , you know my father had a series of stroke 's when he was in his fifties
10 Progress in the 19th century lay in improving refining techniques , in finding new uses ( especially in catalysis and electricity ) and discovering new sources , principally in the Urals — after which for a time the Russians adopted platinum coinage .
11 ‘ It is time that someone began to look after you for a change , Julia , ’ he said seriously .
12 ‘ My dear , your real mother has been looking after you for the past twenty years , ’ said Miss Rose sharply .
13 Hordes of admirers screech that they would be only too willing to take Kylie home and look after her for a while .
14 Maurice stared after her for a moment .
15 You could decide to work at a time when your partner or a friend is round to see the baby , or arrange for someone — a childminder or relative — to look after her for a few hours each week .
16 Snappy bounded after her for a few yards , then scampered away to follow his mistress .
17 No , yeah I 'll come with you , you go off and stay with Joyce , look after her for a little while and let Kenneth sort things out !
18 Oh , indeed so , erm our domestic life is extraordinarily complicated but when , after my maternity leave expired and when I 'd finished having time off and breast feeding the baby , he in fact looked after her for a term in Cambridge and I came back to Sussex and taught during the week and went back to my daughter and husband at weekends , and now he 's actually taking leave in his turn , if you like , so that he can be the back-up here while I teach and do my work this year .
19 We stood and stared after him for a few seconds , then one of the mortar team behind me remarked .
20 His cutaway heel is world-class stuff , and with a patent in the pipeline I can think of a number of major manufacturers who 'll be after him for a slice of the licensing action .
21 ‘ I was assigned to look after him for a while , ’ Harvey answered .
22 She stood looking after him for a moment ; then she dropped on to an upturned box , and bending her head into the folds of flesh under her chin , she asked of herself why she had to do this .
23 The probation found a little stray dog called Benjy for me and I looked after him for a little while , but my money kept on going down and down and down .
24 Dora glared after him for a few seconds before turning away and striding across the garden towards the orchard .
25 I looked after him for a few days before he died . ’
26 Dana stared after him for a moment , then turned a malevolent glare on Claudia .
27 I remember at the time Wilko saying how he though Kerslake was an excellent buy , and how he 'd been after him for a long time .
28 been round there once or twice after him for a different thing .
29 Having delivered Eliot to those who were looking after him for the night , we walked back to our colleges discussing the evening , with the ardour of youth which included that most interesting of contests , the comparison of recollections .
30 Endill did not know what he meant by this and ran after him for an explanation .
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