Example sentences of "between [art] two [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The ants initially walk between the two but cross over to the bottom one at the point predicted if the ants are balancing the concentrations measured on either side .
2 The twenty-four were tried by a court of law in the proper way , but the black community and the police began a dialogue that led to far better relations between the two than there had ever been before .
3 No wonder that comparisons between questionnaires on attitudes and direct observations of behaviour have produced few significant results : in one study , for example , there were fewer correlations between the two than one would expect by chance !
4 The mock reality of fiction has its points of overlap with our model of the real world , and indeed it can be argued that readers will assume isomorphism between the two unless given indications to the contrary .
5 Dorothy Heathcote would agree with Way and Marthinus that education as we currently understand it is too biased in this direction , but it is a balance between the two that she is seeking .
6 Now it is how Dorothy Heathcote sees the relationship between the two that sets her apart from most drama teachers .
7 Indeed , there was such a degree of integration between the two that even modern Spain retains a powerful element of Orientalism within its cultural makeup .
8 The majority are either white or the natural colours of the polecat ( black and ginger ) , but there are also cross colourings between the two that have white undercoats and overriding gingery hairs .
9 Xilinx Inc entered a cross licensing pact with fellow field programmable gate array maker Actel Corp , ending the litigation between the two that began in March 1992 .
10 Thus began a rich collaboration between the two that has lasted nearly five decades .
11 As the sun sinks and the day cools , so the western flank is illuminated , the east is in shadow and the termites within can find just those galleries between the two that most suit them .
12 Thus began a rich collaboration between the two that has lasted nearly five decades .
13 In considering this , Stoker and Williams conclude that when gastric and duodenal secretions mix there may be a toxic synergism between the two that leads to mucosal disruption and intracellular damage to oesophageal cells .
14 As Kieslowski , who cut his molars on more than 30 documentaries in the Seventies , told one French critic : ‘ There 's no difference between the two except that television pays you less and you have to work faster . ’
15 Indeed , Prussian hegemony fitted into precisely the gap between the two since , where centralisation took place , it was invariably convergence with Prussia , yet the commitment to remain centralised allowed her to defend her interests when she wanted to .
16 There had been a war of attrition between the two since Darrel had composed a satire , ridiculing Sir John 's mock-Italian attempts at his beloved Longleat , the then home of the Thynnes .
17 FSLN leaders , headed by Daniel Ortega , met former leaders of the contras on June 24 , the first such meeting between the two since the Sandinistas relinquished power in April 1990 .
18 There has been good-natured banter between the two since the draw was made .
19 What is the nature and quality of family relationships between the two or — more generations ?
20 We 've agreed comment , where would the comment be placed , given that , I think we all agree we want national curriculum area in , we need a general skills and abilities in , where would the comment be situated , at the bottom underneath everything , between the two or what ?
21 The spatial relation between the two or three colours was further evaluated in double or triple exposed colour slides taken on Kodak Ektachrome 800 ASA daylight film ( see Figs 1–3 ) .
22 This riposte throws into relief the central difference between the two as Barth saw it .
23 Leaving this aside for the moment though , let us set up a contrast between the two as follows :
24 The contrast between the two as they stood one behind the other struck Melissa as comical .
25 By the time we conclude our comparison of fabliau and exemplum at the end of this book we shall face a very similar formulation of the difference between the two as lying in the fabliau 's divergence from the normal modes of exemplum , which may in itself be funny , rather than in an all-preceding intention to be funny .
26 As a member of one of the two departments into which the direction politique of the foreign ministry was then divided , he found that he and his colleagues spent much of their time playing draughts and that there was considerable rivalry between the two as to which could make the better " five o'clock tea " .
27 Ahmed : Being in at least two oppressed ‘ specific interest ’ groups we were able to mediate differences and act as a bridge between the two when necessary .
28 It is likely that a good many protestant loyalists oscillate between the two and still have to come to their moment of decision , one that is likely to be forced on them by future events .
29 In fact , there is n't a great deal of difference between the two and the one merges into the other .
30 The most we can get is convincing parallelisms between the two and the fact that some parallelisms are much more difficult than others and have hitherto not been attempted is no reason for denying that a choreographic genius like Massine has the right to attempt this .
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