Example sentences of "day when the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Notices warning of the dangers of thin ice were put up in the last few days when the lake froze over .
2 At that time Venturous was undergoing engine repairs and some of the crew were on rest days when the call came .
3 He caught the atmosphere of those grey days when the clouds hang low on the hills and the colours are sombre .
4 It spells out categorically that the golden days when the Government could cut taxes and repay debt while financing its economic policies by taxing North Sea oil and selling state assets have gone for ever .
5 Once , in the days when the building was known as Kelly 's Star Music Hall , the space had served as a beer cellar .
6 There have been brilliant Candlemas days when the tiles seemed to skip under the whip of the cold .
7 It makes the actual work of ferreting uncomfortable and those days when the rainfall is persistent are neither comfortable nor the most sporting .
8 There were days when the leaders of the band refused to let them light any kind of fire in case German patrols found them and yet they somehow still had to produce food that the men could eat .
9 They walked regardless of the weather : on early spring mornings when the sky was remote and pale as a plover 's egg ; on stormy autumn afternoons when they felt they could reach up and touch the lowering clouds that covered the land like a bruise ; and on frozen winter days when the sky was a white membrane stretched so tight that they could imagine it cracking with the cold .
10 And since an expensive loaf caused havoc in St Jude 's and trouble in everybody 's weaving sheds , with demands for higher wages keeping profits down at a time when trade was far from good — when it would probably never rise again to the level of those early , heady days when the machines first came in — then Ben Braithwaite and his dinner guests had reason for their anxiety .
11 The days when the voice was trained to be a beautiful sound in itself are no longer with us ; instead , the emphasis is on a more natural approach , with each actor discovering the true quality of his/her own voice , and extending its range as much as possible .
12 In the days when the communists dominated the rubber-stamp Volkskammer , the Christian Democrats were their loyal vassals .
13 Perhaps it was better in the days when the stars were ripped off , fucked about , had no grip on their affairs .
14 Those were the days when the Company was really into the Track One , Track Two stuff cover within cover mostly to fool Capitol Hill I dare say but other governments too and all to hide destabilisation .
15 The first prisoners had come here in the days when the state of war between England and Germany was still largely theoretical .
16 It is perhaps not surprising , therefore that from the early days when the state became involved in the education of the masses one of the principal aims of the curriculum enunciated by successive Presidents of the Board of Education , Ministers of Education and Secretaries of State for Education has been that of the preparation for citizenship .
17 Faldo is asking for less hype and a return to the days when the biennial encounter was a friendly , usually won by the Americans .
18 The 4th and 15th are bound to be days when the tide of fortune may appear to turn against you .
19 He was recognised as a ‘ New Star ’ as far back as 1960 , in the days when the Melody Maker had a jazz orientation and featured an annual Jazz Poll .
20 Bright clear days when the Alps can be seen are rare , ( and the more pleasurable for being so ) , and if you want such days you had better come in spring or autumn when the heat haze is reduced .
21 Smoke billowed forth on those days when the air was still , and spoil tips grew unchecked .
22 And er they were , well quite a lot of them were scrapped in the days when the depression came on .
23 Yet its origin goes back hundreds of years , to the days when the women camp followers of the mighty Persian armies slept in their scarlet silk tents .
24 The title dates back many centuries to the days when the Speaker was the King 's representative in parliament and when MPs wanted to debate raising money they formed themselves into a committee with an MP in the chair so that they could discuss the subject away from the prying ears of the Palace .
25 The title dates back many centuries to the days when the Speaker was the King 's representative in parliament and when MPs wanted to debate raising money they formed themselves into a committee with an MP in the chair so that they could discuss the subject away from the prying ears of the Palace .
26 Excited to find she could just make out traces of narrow fields with dividing banks and walls , she ventured further towards a rounded mound which could well have been an Iron Age barrow , and just beyond it she found the standing stone , where she shivered pleasurably , her imagination running riot about the monolith 's precise function in the days when the settlement had been a live , thriving community .
27 Soon the curtains were drawn by four o'clock and there were days when the mist and rain so muffled the sounds of the world outside that there was almost complete silence .
28 But Llewellyn 's retainers with Twiston-Davies and Tim Forster , plus attractive rides for David Nicholson and Nick Gaselee , make those dark days when the phone never rang seem a long way off .
29 Victory when it came I found tasteless , I was ashamed to be envious of air crews who were able to turn up at reunions with a crew intact , and they still can even 40 years on , and relive those cruel yet wondrous days when the composition of a crew was as binding as the sanctity of marriage .
30 Virtually everywhere from the Highlands to London 's suburbs , main line and local , passenger trains were steadily busier , the total number carried exceeding that of pre-Beeching days when the system was much larger .
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