Example sentences of "day and [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 MI6 never appreciated the amount of opposition that existed within Germany to Hitler and the Nazi party in its early days and as a result failed to exploit the very considerable amount of information that was offered to it by well-placed anti-Nazi groups .
2 A troupe of experts has toured the country giving their views over periods of several days and as a result some courts have convicted and others have acquitted .
3 Very much a rubber stamp exercise in those days and as a result of that only one in four of the businesses that were supported was actually surviving at the end of the first twelve months .
4 We have lived in a wonderful variety of houses , including one normally occupied by a pit deputy in South Yorkshire ; a leaking gothic horror of a Victorian rectory in deepest Sussex that was literally falling to pieces while administrative matters blocked efforts to replace it and our present one near Lewes built in 1934 in the days of live-in maids , recently modernised but still half as big again as any built these days and with a double-size garden .
5 You can always look back and say " What if " , but we must remember that we got ourselves out of a couple of scrapes on last two days and for a time we looked absolutely terrible , but we turned it around and could have won .
6 This could make one gram of tritium in half a day and as a byproduct give back some of the electrical power — one megawatt — from the fusion processes involved .
7 Clearly this is consistent both with a period of about a day and with a very long period .
8 In my day and at a good school , it was easy , as you moved up from class to class , to miss out totally on some period of English history — the only history that was taught .
9 Most of us defecate once a day and at a convenient time .
10 We emphasised that people 's body weight fluctuates during the day and during a menstrual cycle .
11 The patients were asked to keep a record of all foods they had eaten during a typical midweek day and during a typical weekend day , once every three month period .
12 Make sure you weigh yourself daily , preferably at a similar time each day and in a similar state of dress or undress .
13 In the event , the culmination of the relationship occurred when the telephone rang one day and in a suspiciously silky voice George asked me where I thought the Derby Cup was .
14 He telephoned me at lunchtime on that day and by a fluke I had a cancellation , so I was able to see him almost immediately .
15 Members of the Board , senior managers and their guests at this year 's Open Golf raised an astonishing £1,300 by raffling two putters manufactured by Johnson Matthey Canada on each day and from a sweepstake on the final day .
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