Example sentences of "our [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Headteacher Bob Dingle praised the fund-raising efforts , saying : ‘ The monies were raised jointly through the efforts of parents , pupils and staff and by careful management of our budget by the Governors . ’
2 ‘ We will be endeavouring to get our budget within the £7.127m. limit and we are hoping that it will be achieved relatively painlessly . ’
3 But the amazing thing was that , just after we 'd recorded our bit for the Gardeners ' World programmed , I spotted a couple of butterflies fluttering around the garden .
4 The Sergeant and Corporal leading our bit of the search party were out of earshot .
5 Not only does it ignore the sense in which suffering can be unwitting but it also begs the question in favour of saying , when specific symptoms like struggling or urination occur in animals , that these are properly to be seen as , emotional responses ' ( which covertly elicits our sympathy for the conscious distress of the stricken human parent rather than the symptoms of it observed in the struggling , yet unaware , athlete ) .
6 ‘ I can only express our sympathy for the lady and I will bring this to my manager 's attention .
7 On behalf of the Opposition , and indeed the whole House , I wish to express our sympathy to the victims and their families of what can only be described as a crime against humanity .
8 I should also like to extend our sympathy to the relatives and friends of all those who have been killed in recent incidents in Northern Ireland .
9 On behalf of the Ulster Unionist party , I join other hon. Members in expressing our sympathy to the families of those who have been killed and to all who were injured in the incident at the Musgrave Park hospital at the weekend .
10 We extend our sympathy to the remaining members of her family .
11 ‘ We express our sympathy to the player 's family .
12 O'Neill sent the following message of condolence to Cardinal Conway , the Vicar Capitular of the archdiocese of Armagh : ‘ Please accept from the Government of Northern Ireland our sympathy on the great loss which your Church sustained on the death of your Spiritual Leader .
13 ‘ Between 150 and 200 prospective customers visited our stand on the first morning , ’ says Patrick Fitz-Gibbon , public affairs manager with Unipart , who organized the event .
14 We did not offer the all-day hospitality of previous years but were delighted to see members at the tea parties we organised , and enjoyed chatting with visitors to our stand in the Women in the Rural Community tent .
15 The 10 best entries will be displayed on our stand in the Royal Smithfield Show in December .
16 In this book , we use the percentage annual rate of change of the Retail Price Index as our measure of the inflation rate .
17 The appropriate sale strategy will evolve from consideration the clients ' objectives and from our assessment of the valuation of the business , the degree of interest it is likely to attract , and deal structuring considerations .
18 Er and that er in my view anyway demonstrated that we 'd got it about right in terms of our assessment of the effects of the Southern Bypass .
19 We have been trying to stop the deteriorating effects of ageing on our skin since the times of the pharaohs .
20 We too can take a cup and drink our fill from the living water of light , of true knowledge , logic and love combined .
21 In spite of the cold ( the temperature was about 30 F below zero ) our tracking of the wanted man continued throughout that night , and he was captured , as he slept , by Doherty in an unused farm building the following day .
22 Sometimes our resistance to the idea of dependence leads us to a degree of enthusiasm which can impair our judgement about need .
23 I spent most of my childhood holidays chasing our tent along the tops of cliffs in the middle of the night as gale-force winds carried it towards the sea .
24 And that 's our money for the day used up , if you count paying for the room .
25 Finally we were allowed to shuffle in , pair by pair , with the other animals , paid our money at the one-person-only box-office , and spent the remains on hot snacks from the kiosk to bring the blood back to our frozen digits .
26 We had not watched closely enough ; we had simply paid our money over the bar and hoped — without knowing it — that Madame would always be there to open the doors and close them behind us .
27 THE Government is considering yet another way to steal our money in the form of a tax on carbon fuels which you call ‘ a green crackdown ’ .
28 Cosmetic companies are always seeking new ways to solve our problems , and it seems we 're always willing to hand over our money in the hope that these products and their magic ingredients will do the trick .
29 ‘ My papa died after he lost all our money in the last great depression .
30 They put up a prize at the awards ceremony they 're prepared to do all the art work for nothing or at cost price for the awards ceremony they laid on this evening for us now if three people turn up at their evening they gon na say as we putting our money in the right organisation
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