Example sentences of "find and the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Comparables will be fairly easy to find and the determination will be able to proceed quickly .
2 The five-way selector deals out all the sounds you would expect to find and the tone control really does add more sparkle , rather than ( as is so often the case ) rendering everything tinny and harsh .
3 Very few people believe that a solution is impossible to find and the public will lose patience with a dispute that seems to be about money .
4 From this it is clear to me that almost every possible subject and source is covered in Edinburgh libraries and everything is reasonably easy to find and the library staff are happy to assist .
5 She 'd known he would follow Didi as soon as the ring was found and the American wanted him by her side , but still his words brought such pain that for a moment Luce thought she 'd moaned aloud .
6 Now the wall has come down , Leipzig city council is still pressing ahead for the museum to be built , although the building funds have yet to be found and the competition to find an architect will not be until 1993 .
7 Mining in the Coniston fells , and elsewhere , continued after the turn of the century and probably , as more veins were found and the mining expanded and output increased , increased in profitability .
8 No biological or physical cause could be found and the studies were abandoned .
9 ‘ Meaning ’ theists and ‘ meaning ’ atheists are able to accept that a common definition of ‘ God ’ can be found and the evidence for and against God 's existence duly weighed and argued over .
10 It will be necessary to run through the examples in the Digest to illustrate the contexts in which these practices are found and the way in which they are interpreted .
11 However , it was now found and the licence would soon be with her .
12 ‘ They are not found in equal amounts throughout the brain and there is a good correlation between where they are found and the effects which we know cannabis has . ’
13 House-to-house inquiries have begun near where the fake bombs were found and the devices are being examined for clues .
14 However , the theory does explain the variation of Tg found in copolymers and , in a later modification , by considering the temperature dependence of relaxation in terms of a " co-operative rearranging region " dependent upon the configurational entropy , a relation similar in form to the WLF equation was found and the prediction made that .
15 In the early days of what was a massive police investigation , officers were confident the killer would be found and the £500 sum was considered appropriate .
16 The solicitor 's observations are sought in any case where shoddy work is found and the solicitor can request further consideration by a review panel of practising solicitors .
17 Again , the same physical object has been viewed before and after the solution of the puzzle , and presumably the image on the observer 's retina does not change at the moment the solution is found and the face discovered .
18 He said a rescue attempt should be made soon once suitable equipment could be found and the sound of the females should be played to the males .
19 The tables were covered with the velvet Dave had found and the exhibits laid out in an orderly fashion .
20 Obviously , borrowers constantly seek to reduce loan spreads but if the market regards it as inadequate , participants will not be found and the loan proposal will fail .
21 Provided no stones were found and the patency of the ducts was confirmed with contrast studies , the cholecystoscope was withdrawn and the tract allowed to close .
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