Example sentences of "find at the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But Rostov 's experience of the Empire had not prepared him to find at the same time a complete absence of the poor and underprivileged .
2 The 22 year old 's body was found at the remote Longslade picnic site near Milton Keynes .
3 Idealised waveforms found at the various points in the filter network .
4 It is clear that the brightest spots ( other than the origin ) are always found at the correct Ni atom positions in the second Ni layer , whereas the Ni atom positions in the first layer are not clear .
5 Portuguese cooking , a rarity , is found at the Backstage Bistro , ( ) , where wall are decorated with memorabilia from early cinema days .
6 Des was one of a litter of seven pups found at the EFI compound at Jubail .
7 Half-finished seals were even found at the early settlement of Fournou Konh .
8 There were probably also sacrificial tables and statues of deities , like the clay goddess found at the sacred enclosure of Sachturia .
9 It may be that the central significance of modern manifestations of the humanist impulse is to be found at the practical rather than the methodological or theoretical level .
10 Nothing was found at the latter two yesterday morning .
11 In 24 patients ( 86% ) the Dieulafoy disease was located within the stomach ; in 17 patients ( 61% ) it was found at the classic site within 6 cm from the gastroesophageal junction ( in eight cases near the lesser curve , in two near the greater curve , in three on the anterior wall , in two on the posterior wall , and in two in a hiatus hernia immediately below the oesphageal-gastric junction ) ; in five patients in the corpus ; and in two patients proximal from the anastomosis after gastric resection .
12 In 61% the lesion was found at the classic site within 6 cm of the gastro-oesophageal junction , mostly near the lesser curve .
13 The Stock Exchange does not provide a class distribution according to size of holdings , yet the 23 per cent of shareholders who own stock valued at less than £500 are unlikely to be found at the upper end of the income scale .
14 The best cleavage is found at the central GpC ; all the ApT sites are cut at about 25% of this rate , except for the first ApT on the 5'-side which shows no detectable cleavage .
15 In a reserved judgment , the judge said he was satisfied Connolly had been in the process of making the bomb , and that he had been in control of the munitions found at the other house , some of which were devices only used by the IRA .
16 A circular type known as Clava tombs can be found at the northern end of the Great Glen , many without an entrance , which would seem to signify that each was used only once and then sealed .
17 Clare baked nothing that could be found at the local baker and charged what she considered exorbitant prices , which people seemed happy to pay in cash .
18 Perianal warts are frequently found at the same time as genital warts and there need be no assumption that anal intercourse has taken place , although it will have done so in some 50 per cent of cases .
19 These levels of breeding success were very similar to those found at the same time in the London area and Leicestershire .
20 Recently-hatched dogwhelks ( plate 1b ) are found at the same level as their capsules and seem to prefer the empty cases of barnacles to the shells of living or dead mussels .
21 In the symmetry consensus , the simple consensus is converted to a palindrome based on the most frequent base at each symmetrical position , i.e. in the right half site , the base at the first position is not conserved , however , an A is found at the symmetrical position in the left half-site in all four sites , hence , the first position in the right half site is a T in the symmetry consensus .
22 Blue polythene sheeting , believed to have been used to carry coal to stoke up the massive blaze , was also found at the secluded site at Coppull near Chorley .
23 Blue polythene sheeting , believed to have been used to carry coal to stoke up the massive blaze , was also found at the secluded site in Coppull , near Chorley .
24 In prayer-rug designs this arch-shaped form is usually found at the top end of the composition , although it is sometimes employed at both ends in what are generally referred to as " double-ended " prayer rugs ( pls. 17 and 18 ) .
25 This again differs widely depending on the degree of the handicap , and autistics may be found at the farthest extremes of social and academic capability .
26 Such theories include the conventional model of evolution , Big-Bang models of the origin of material substance , the concept that life is a by-product of biochemical complexity , that mind and thought are to be found at the physical level of molecules and electromagnetism , and so on .
27 First , a gap had been found at the bottom end of the market , conveying ( or transferring ) small terraced houses with local authority mortgages .
28 Two cases ( 3.6% ) of early gastric cancer and two cases of small gastric carcinoid tumours ( 3.6% ) were detected in addition to the five carcinoids that had been found at the initial endoscopic screening .
29 Two spoiled griffin-heads were found at the Samian Heraion , showing that they were made there , as no doubt they were at Olympia too .
30 You do n't need to go actually to the end with your numbers but you can take your line right along there cos you might find at the last minute there 's an extra one you want to put on .
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