Example sentences of "find on [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Cottages , however , were hard to find on that side .
2 He was also surprised at a later date to find on one occasion an abstract in Minton 's studio .
3 That part of the collection 's rotation has worked surprisingly well but it has necessitated the temporary removal to storage , or to its branch in Liverpool , of masterpieces which visitors expect to find on permanent view .
4 These were two of the points made in the opinion delivered at the end of April by the Advocate General to the European Court of Justice in relation to four test cases to clarify an earlier ECJ watershed case on equal pension rights , Barber v Guardian Royal Exchange , which found on 17 May 1990 that Article 119 of the Treaty of Rome on equal pay applied to pension benefits .
5 Its function is similar to the one found on table-top video machines , that is it enables the recorded picture to be replayed over the viewfinder both forwards and in reverse at a fast speed so that particular points on the tape can be located quickly .
6 I soon felt hungry and thirsty , and my first food was fruit which I found on some trees near a river .
7 The only wheel I found on this trip is still very much in business , grinding corn on two pairs of stones .
8 Giving their children a few old pennies works wonders , as does showing them the pieces of jagged cans one finds on these places .
9 Usually , these are ordinary ‘ cold ’ avalanches such as one finds on any mountain , but if the collapse is a big one and it exposes hot rock deep within the dome , a nuee ardente may be produced .
10 Three spurs have also come from late levels : they are uncommon finds on Romano-British sites and suggest the presence of a cavalry unit here in the late fourth century .
11 While inevitably the sleevenotes on P.G . 's record proclaim that ‘ all praises are due to Allah ’ , no such devotions are to be found on Young MC 's second album ‘ Brainstorm ’ .
12 Pure platinum could readily be shaped by hammering , the technique most commonly found on prehistoric nose-rings from Colombia , but its high melting point ( 1775C ) put casting the pure metal beyond the reach of early smiths .
13 These names are still to be found on prestigious labels on madeira wine bottles .
14 Often found on good daysacks , the waist strap does n't take weight like a hip belt but it does provide extra stability .
15 However , crosses are found on pagan stones in Brittany .
16 The items I have found on such sites have proved to be of great interest , and I have been logging them down very carefully .
17 Similarly , young emerging leaves and shoots that have not yet developed a tough skin are easier for fungus spores to penetrate as they are for sucking and biting insects , and this is why the first signs of mildew especially are always to be found on such tissue .
18 Too small even to be found on many maps , too hidden for any of its innocent affairs to be worthy of attention , Granard seemed no longer to be part of the priest 's past .
19 Sheep were also to be found on many farms in North Yorkshire , Cumbria , Wester Ross and Orkney .
20 Replacement heifers accounted for a proportion but male stores were also found on many units .
21 In 10 runs on the complete YAC data-set , using a distance cutoff of d = 0.85 to determine contig breaks , the ‘ correct ’ probe order for both chromosomes I and II was found on two occasions , each time with the same path length of 7381 .
22 Many kinds of gall insect produce two types of gall , which are found on two kinds of plant .
23 Furthermore , no crossreactivity was found on western blots as the two unique bands ( Fig. 1 ) correlate well with the predicted relative molecular mass of the two pax[b] splicing products .
24 Independently of Forbes , he proposed an extension of the arctic flora to explain the species found on European mountains .
25 The basic design , a man leaning on a stick and playing with a dog , is found on archaic fragments from Athens and on several early classical pieces , one from Apollonia Pontica , a Milesian colony on the Black Sea which boasted a statue by Kalamis .
26 Dieback was found on all soil types , but trees on acid sands were ‘ consistently bad ’ .
27 These show the basic French Gothic characteristics of verticality , abutment and good proportion , but the flying buttresses are more slender and more decorated than before , the windows are larger with complex curvilinear tracery in the head , ogee arches and mouldings are found on all members .
28 The range of objects tested covers the whole spectrum of datable materials found on archaeological sites but also encompasses more exotic items such as embroidered silk and carved ivory .
29 Rubbish tips nowadays often consist of large holes in the ground ( such as disused quarries ) which are being filled in , and which are gigantic versions of the rubbish pits found on archaeological sites .
30 Occasionally sacks can be obtained with a ‘ zip-off ’ front pocket which can be converted to a day sack , although these are mostly to be found on convertible sacks used as travel luggage .
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