Example sentences of "find in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In this case , however , it seemed that the nature of the disease was systematically to destroy those nerve cells essential to the control of sleep , and these unfortunate people probably represent the closest that we can expect to find in the way of a natural experiment on the long-term effects of the denial of sleep .
2 Realistic prices are still hard to find in the land market , according to a would-be farm purchaser whose quests for a viable farm has taken up most of his time and energy for over a year .
3 But he has told former executives to extract themselves from jobs they managed to find in the Aquino era and hold themselves ready .
4 Later reformers , therefore , professed to find in the policies of Aranda and Olavide the models of a ‘ collectivist ’ solution , which regarded property as a social institution .
5 A rector was , in her view , part of the traditional and comic cast list she had expected to find in the country , along with the squire and the village idiot .
6 Int eh last minutes of the Sale , a friend from South Leith Church , kindly helping , managed by sheer persistence and cleverness to find in the music section ( a rate slip-up ! ) a perfect RLS book for the new owner of Swanston Cottage .
7 argue for a preparation stage for all reading comprehension in which students should both predict what they expect to find in the discourse from
8 What theme might we expect to find in the background of someone highly motivated by money over long periods ?
9 In fact , as the press release says , ‘ almost every rock climbing feature you could expect to find in the mountain environment . ’
10 Different stars have different spectra , but the relative brightness of the different colours is always exactly what one would expect to find in the light emitted by an object that is glowing red hot .
11 Many babies are perfectly happy with an old washing-up bowl filled with water , but a simple inflatable paddling pool is easy to find in the shops and generally fairly cheap .
12 It is caused by a bacterium Haemophilus ducreyi , which is often very difficult to grow in the laboratory and correspondingly hard to find in the lesions themselves .
13 I was about to take off my load and leave the heap of pine-needles for someone else to find in the morning when I saw a figure approaching in the distance .
14 Indeed , when he had solutions to problems , he sometimes went to the lab late at night and left his ideas on slips of paper for people to find in the morning — without knowing how they got there .
15 Leaving the punchbowl lying there for the clearup people to find in the morning , Wayne followed her .
16 But he was puzzled to find in the writings of Descartes that argument for the conservation of motion that we have just described .
17 These , however , are often difficult to find in the form required , because of inconsistencies in definitions or reporting standards .
18 It 's a word you are unlikely to find in the dictionary but , if you think of it as the opposite to ‘ extrude ’ , meaning to thrust or push out , then the term becomes more understandable .
19 Just above it is a block of plastic which combines a Euro-style power socket , a fuse carrier and the main power switch — which should be easy to find in the dark , as it 's directly above the mains lead .
20 And to some extent if you do bring jobs into the town which bring new people into the town , when the particular employer that has brought these people into the town or the area closes down , then we have more jobs to find in the area .
21 What differences would you expect to find in the buying behaviour of an individual buying the same product for his/her own use and also on behalf of an organisation ?
22 She brought with her in the car anything of mine that she had been able to find in the house ( plus a few things that just reminded her of me ) and they were all dumped in my front hall .
23 Again the ratio of DNA binding activity found in the nucleus to that found in the cytoplasm was constant in the two cell lines ( M. N. Ombra , unpublished results ) .
24 I went out and found in the court two corpses interlocked ; they were the bodies of the two young men who had before been with me in the room ...
25 In psycholinguistics , an item 's meaning , it is said , can be analysed into a number of semantic markers — components or features also found in the meanings of other items , eg the -ly of an adverb such as clearly — and a distinguisher , which is the residue of meaning after the markers have been deducted ( clear ) .
26 I think we are agreed , are we not , that it may be connected with the one which you and Julia found in the asylum out-buildings ? ’
27 ‘ But before I go I 'll have a look at the one I found in the asylum and the one Theodora got from Paul 's church . ’
28 ‘ Was Father Reynard found in the cemetery grounds ? ’
29 Many of the POU domain proteins bind to the octamer motif ATGCAAAT ( hence the designation Oct ) found in the promoters and enhancers of immunoglobulin heavy and light chain genes , histone H2B and small nuclear RNA genes ( 29–31 ) .
30 For example , given the great emphasis on the family and monogamy in Victorian England they were delighted when they found in the work of anthropologists a statement that there had been societies with sexual freedom and no notion of the family .
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