Example sentences of "find [pron] [adv] at " in BNC.

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1 Leigh travelled to London to meet the Goldsmiths later in July , but " found them not at home " .
2 Eventually when we found ourselves nearly at 1,500ft , I said to myself , and into the microphone , quite plainly so he could overhear : " This puts the undercarriage up . "
3 At the end of every clawing tack we found ourselves back at almost the same place we had started ; we began to learn the realities of life aboard a Bugis prahu .
4 He was soon embarrassed , therefore , to find himself back at the plague village , helping Lucie and Izzie to settle into one of the cottages , wondering why he had not left with the rest .
5 Adam found himself not at all sure what rates were but he knew that people who owned houses did pay them .
6 After some time he found himself down at the Green , where Emily had not come with him ; and remembered Emily , and decided that he must ask her to become engaged to him before he went , to wait for him ; would she agree ?
7 I did n't expect to find you here at Julius 's country retreat . ’
8 She cooked , she cleaned , she shopped , she walked Pilade , she saw to her lodgers — day after day she did the same things at the same time , and instead of being driven half mad with boredom , insane with frustration , she found herself strangely at peace .
9 Afterwards she found herself back at the Collector 's bedside in the same churning confusion of day and night .
10 I then went to see three other patients and returned to review the child about twenty minutes later to find him totally at peace and asleep , with no evidence of any respiratory problem .
11 Six o'clock found her downstairs at the kitchen grate , readying the little house for the day .
12 It is to be suspected that , together with its extensions , it constitutes the nuclear complex of every neurosis , and we may expect to find it actively at work in other regions of mental life .
13 We found it over at Scano 's .
14 This did n't matter very much as cylinders soon found themselves right at the bottom of the class structure of recordings , and not many featured artists worth naming .
15 Asking the way towards Monte Samana , they found themselves back at the hospital .
16 First , the synchronized nature of the 1970–1 recession meant that governments found themselves simultaneously at a similar , recessionary phase of the cycle .
17 After a few attempts at checking myself by thinking of Hattie Jacques and Eric Sykes riding a tandem , I found myself back at the doctor .
18 Reverting to the situation we find ourselves in at this moment , there are four facts that can be regarded as certainties or near-certainties .
19 Now , our visual arts policy could be summed up as follows : It 's our main concern to bring about a social financial climate more conducive to the health of the visual arts than that which we find ourselves in at present .
20 I find one down at ground level in what the council calls our courtyard .
21 His last LP , Tunnel of Love , a touching , low-key meditation on matters of the heart , sidestepped the quandary , but these new LPs find him rather at sea .
22 A diver had found it out at sea trapped beneath the underground storage container from a petrol station , the container having been ripped right out of the ground .
23 This week , however , when you find yourself all at sea , you may wonder whether you 've chosen well .
24 His mother would find him still at it when she came down to breakfast in the morning .
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