Example sentences of "find [pn reflx] [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We followed a pleasant bridle path through trees and soon found ourselves listening to the sweet bubbling song of a black cap .
2 So at 10.30 the next morning we found ourselves waiting at Lochranza , the most northerly point of the island .
3 Taking the initiative , I led the way , following three skiers who looked as if they knew where they were going — they did n't , and we found ourselves poling for quite a long way before a unanimous decision to have an early lunch was taken .
4 I would n't want us to find ourselves talking at cross-purposes .
5 The director had a lot of respect for Douglas as an actor but since this was to be Silverstein 's first theatrical film he did n't want to have to find himself dealing with ‘ A consummate ego ’ , as he put it , and then added , ‘ no , huge ego ’ .
6 He was surprised to find himself speaking about Céline to Miss van Williamsburgh ; but not deeply surprised .
7 He begins to find himself day-dreaming about Bali .
8 At Hamilton Terrace Minton may have been relieved , after the turmoil of Bedford Gardens , to find himself sharing with someone who came from a similar background .
9 After running a substantial international fibres business , it came as something of a cultural shock to find himself sitting in ICI 's headquarters with only a secretary to command .
10 At the bottom of the stairs he was surprised to find himself putting on his overcoat .
11 He was surprised therefore , after drawing his gun and edging out carefully , to find himself standing in the deserted mortuary room where he had introduced the three travellers to Howard .
12 Panic struck the New York stock market , share values fell dramatically and Hoover found himself presiding over the worst economic depression in the history of the USA .
13 Without warning she towered to her feet and he found himself facing into her breasts before stepping back to give her room to pick up gloves and handbag .
14 It was several days later that he found himself rising through the complex of dripping wet catwalks and steps that ran around the Power line .
15 Charles found himself muttering to the motherly dresser , who handed him his hat .
16 Now , with his head pointing upwards , he found himself gazing at the ridge , as over the sky-line came the silent , moving , red-tinged cumuli .
17 Wycliffe found himself gazing at the white hairs which sprouted from her upper lip and looked quickly away .
18 Rufus , who had n't much appreciation of nature usually , nevertheless found himself gazing in something like wonderment at all the roses , yellow and pink and apricot and dark red , a hedge of white ones , a cascade of peach-red that covered a pergola .
19 He had only gone a short distance , when he found himself stepping into a small moonlit clearing , some twenty yards across .
20 Blake was astonished , and found himself moving towards the Doctor .
21 Invariably , afterwards , he found himself thinking about Liza Tremayne and all that was or might have been .
22 He found himself thinking about her all the time .
23 Laetitia came into it , he found himself thinking about her .
24 For a moment he found himself thinking of Letty .
25 Rex found himself crashing to the ground .
26 Maxim found himself reaching for the non-existent seatbelt .
27 So it was without surprise that he found himself sharing with her one of the tinny , open-sided cars of the creaky old funicular that saved tourists the toil of climbing the seven hundred and more steep stone steps up from the Marina Grande .
28 He lifted his sword and slashed , one , two , three , at the men between him and Siward and then found himself hurtling beyond him , pushed by the momentum of his own men screaming behind and on either side .
29 She had , however , through the months of work , taken a real interest in what he was doing , and he found himself confiding in her more and more .
30 PALEFACE David Mellor walked into a hall full of journalists last night … and found himself drinking in The Last Chance Saloon .
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