Example sentences of "man 's [noun pl] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Because man 's powers grow , generation by generation .
2 For a second or two she felt the protection of a man 's arms holding her securely and then she had crashed on top of him and was lying spread-eagled on a rock-hard body , deceptively concealed beneath soft fabric .
3 As the couple approached him , George could not hear what remarks were passed but saw the dull flush of anger suffuse the shepherd 's face , as the farmer picked up his wrist and spanned it , passing his hands up the man 's arms to judge his muscles .
4 When Minton learnt that one of the young man 's interests had not yet been fulfilled , he arranged matters so that after one Hampstead Arts Ball Hunt lost his virginity .
5 ‘ A man 's genitals hacked off and stuffed into the mouth of his decapitated head .
6 It was a case that bothered him because he felt that in the Assize Court the unfortunate man 's chances had been wrecked by that fool of a cocky young barrister who had concocted an elaborate defence that gave a totally false impression of what had happened .
7 This blind adherence to ancient beliefs dating from times when all nature was a mystery and man 's efforts to penetrate the enigma of his beginnings quite beyond his mental capacity , is even more difficult to understand when viewed in the light of his advances along all other frontiers of knowledge .
8 The man 's efforts to comfort his young nephew collapsed in laughter , men slapping their hands together .
9 For if nature is offering a sturdy resistance to man 's efforts to wring from her a larger supply of raw material , while at that particular stage there is no great room for introducing important new economies into the manufacture , the supply price will rise ; but if the volume of production were greater , it would perhaps be profitable to substitute largely machine work for hand work and steam power for muscular force ; and the increase in the volume of production would have diminished the expenses of production of the commodity of our representative firm . [ … ]
10 The story may in fact be read as an allegory in which the detective 's attempt to solve a series of crimes by the use of logic represents man 's efforts to decipher the meaning of the universe , but he himself ends up as the final victim , undone by his misplaced confidence in his intellect and baffled by a confusing world that makes a mockery of his pretensions to explain it .
11 The ideal structure is created by plant and animal life in the soil : man 's efforts to produce it mechanically are , at best , a poor substitute for nature .
12 This refers to what the man 's beliefs lead him to feel or do .
13 ‘ The man 's problems have intensified in the last few weeks and it 's reached the stage where he 's late at least three mornings a week now . ’
14 For her it became a cloying and pallid countryside , tamed and weakened by man 's attempts to prettify nature but , in 1947 , she thought it the pleasantest spot in the world and she was delighted to be there .
15 This weekend 's show looks at man 's attempts to predict the weather .
16 It could well be that it was the very fact of the fading of life enjoyment which is experienced with the responsibilities of adulthood and parenthood — and this could have affected the very primitive man just as much as it does modern man — which precipitated the very first of man 's attempts to take control of his future and the progress of evolution , by becoming ‘ civilised ’ .
17 Man 's attempts to tame the flood have not always progressed smoothly .
18 In an epistemological parable , ‘ The Man who looked into the Future ’ , Allen Wheelis describes a man 's attempts to escape from the fluidity of the present and imprint value on his life .
19 As the man 's footsteps receded down the corridor , all traces of humour left Hayman 's face .
21 The large man 's friends rose from their table and the waiters formed themselves into a solid phalanx , and all hell broke loose .
22 God , knowing man 's thoughts created a mate for man called wo-man .
23 Dr Tim White says the discovery of the blunder may force a rethink of theories about when the line of man 's ancestors separated from that of the apes .
24 41 ) serve materials and components , and data processing computers serve clerical systems , the new office technology serves Man 's needs to communicate with his fellows .
25 ‘ O1a , amigo mio , ’ he whispered , watching the man 's shoulder-blades leap as if dragged together by a ten-ton truck .
26 Man 's legs torn off in car smash
27 The weight his stepfather had put on the young man 's shoulders had made David seem much older than his twenty-eight years .
28 We both push and heave and the man 's shoulders scrape over the rim ; his arms drag up and over as Andy pushes , grunting , feet slipping on the old leaves and soil .
29 The small man 's shoulders lifted in a slight shrug .
30 And there is a point of view from which Ronald Fraser might be seen as a man of Marxist leanings who paid a professional adviser what may have been a fair whack of a working man 's wages to enquire with him into the deficiencies of his affective life .
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