Example sentences of "man 's [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Because man 's powers grow , generation by generation .
2 There had been several copyings out and rewritings over a number of years , and although the changes made are sometimes evidence of ideological revisionism ( the poet had become more conformist in his later years ) , what is remarkable is how much of the young man 's vision has been allowed to remain intact .
3 The soft sound of the other man 's laughter followed him as he stepped into the foyer .
4 The Danakil did not hunt and the Abyssinians , who had wiped out most of the game elsewhere , were afraid to venture into their country , since among the Danakil a man 's standing depended on the number of men he had killed and castrated .
5 For a second or two she felt the protection of a man 's arms holding her securely and then she had crashed on top of him and was lying spread-eagled on a rock-hard body , deceptively concealed beneath soft fabric .
6 As the couple approached him , George could not hear what remarks were passed but saw the dull flush of anger suffuse the shepherd 's face , as the farmer picked up his wrist and spanned it , passing his hands up the man 's arms to judge his muscles .
7 The titles of the lectures included : Dr. Crawford on " The four stages of man 's existence considered in relation to Health and disease " and later on " Physiology ; " Mr Hector McLean on " Taste , " " Highland Poetry & Romance " and " The Study of Geology ; " Mr Chisholm on " Social Reform ; " Mr Lerach on " Burns ; " Mr Dewar on " Electricity ; " Mr Coath on " The Acquisition of Knowledge , " " The Study of Political & Constitutional History and its bearing on Christianity " and " Mental Philosophy ; " Rev. Hugh Monroe on " The Connection of Revelation with Geology " and " Our English Bible ; " Rev. McFadyen on " Rising in Life ; " Dr. Blair on " The Atmosphere " and " Health " where he condemned the Port Ellen water supply ; Colin Hay on " Agriculture & Commerce " and " Instinct & Reason . "
8 The blond man 's T-shirt had been removed and tucked into his belt so it hung limply behind him .
9 The long thin mouth was pulled down at the corners like a tragic mask , the eyes were hooded , the shoulders hunched , head bent forward so that the man 's gaze seemed fixed on the surface of the table .
10 The man 's gaze went to the screamer , wavered , then returned to Jude .
11 The man 's gaze raked her clear complexion and pale gold hair , then his mouth twisted slightly as he drawled in a sardonic tone , ‘ What 's the matter , Cornflower ?
12 One man 's mission to find out
13 This experienced man 's disquiet stemmed from the fact that the taking of a statutory sample , while visible in the organization , is ( as he saw it ) a potentially inefficient use of an officer 's time , and the pressure to take a formal sample to show up well in the league tables placed an improper constraint on the discretion necessary to do the job efficiently .
14 Sure enough , undisturbed by a slow early gallop , Remittance Man 's jumping warmed up from good to brilliant .
15 When Minton learnt that one of the young man 's interests had not yet been fulfilled , he arranged matters so that after one Hampstead Arts Ball Hunt lost his virginity .
16 Had their rough-and-tumbles not been as he recalled , had their Blind Man 's Buff ended differently ?
17 Though if he took his own life , as everyone has always supposed , and as we are still likely to be supposing after the present rumours have been scotched — if the balance of his mind was disturbed , that curious disruption which accompanies a man 's election to end his life , but never any other procedure , no matter how eccentric or irrational — then reasons are not to be looked for .
18 He was strong enough now to attribute the man 's parting shot about his drawings to sheer malice .
19 I had just over forty pounds in the bank and not much prospect of raising another bean , but the silly man 's attitude had made me so angry .
20 Wycliffe was diplomatic , but in the end he was encouraged by the man 's attitude to put straight questions .
21 Similarly , in the case of relationships between spouses , it can be shown that clear divisions between the women 's sphere and the man 's sphere persist , and the illustrations of this do not come exclusively from rural or traditional working class communities .
22 ‘ And how is the great man 's work proceeding ? ’
23 The more he was involved with Mauve , the more he saw how the man 's work drained him .
24 The existence of man 's ability to enjoy beauty is not a contentious subject and it is universally accepted as ‘ good ’ .
25 Effectively , García Márquez is here waiving any claim to be ‘ telling it the way it is ’ , for the new novelists no longer share traditional realist fiction 's confident assumption of man 's ability to understand and describe the world .
26 It pointed to man 's ability to master his organic environment .
27 A typical Peto story tells how when dispatched by The Observer to photograph a major rail disaster , he came back with a picture of an exhausted rescue worker drinking tea , man 's ability to fight disaster and overcome it having inspired this warm-hearted humanist photographer .
28 However , as we reach the end of the 20th century man 's ability to reconstruct his own body by using machine-like structures , in order to enhance performance , is rather limited .
29 So far as Gassendi and ( as we shall see ) Locke were concerned this objection is misplaced for , having a modest and moral view of our proper concerns , they retain an element of scepticism about man 's ability to know .
30 Only a fool assumed that the knowledge which was in his possession was the fullest extent of a man 's ability to know .
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