Example sentences of "how the [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Rachel quickly told him how the heart attack had happened .
2 And I do n't see how the structure plan er i the way it 's been progressed so far , can determine any one of those general locational criteria .
3 Halfway through the afternoon I went to see how the lakeside revetment was going .
4 It 's generally a simple matter to work out how the circuit pipework is run , and what re-routing will be needed to reach the new radiator position .
5 Notice how the overflow flag has been incorporated into the condition code .
6 Yet , even the theoretical models that underpin the relationships sketched in figure 4.1 do not constitute a general explanatory theory of why and when the balance of bargaining power shifts , nor why outcomes differ , nor yet why and how the bargaining process ( involving more than narrowly defined one firm-one state conditions ) gets started .
7 Together they would like to investigate how the CAB service can be made more accessible to deaf people .
8 If we begin with too cavalier an attitude toward them , we may miss a certain richness in our intellectual heritage and one that had a profound bearing on how the word science was understood , by both practitioners and their public .
9 These are the reasons why the discussion of economic policy during the election has been so trivial and impoverished , with so much fuss about how the budget deficit limits the scope for tax cuts on the one hand and expenditure increases on the other .
10 This would at least have allowed the dollar banana firms , such as Chiquita , to import as much as they want , and it is not clear how the dollar banana quota is to cope with a possible increase in demand .
11 UFC has published a document setting out how the peer review process will work , with 50 panels of 8–10 experts producing ratings for activities across 72 subjects .
12 The second goes beyond these models and data , to produce a sociological account of how the software designer and user is influenced by the presence and absence of standards , of how images and perceptions of standards and compatibility are formed , and how accounts about standards and compatibility circulate amongst the community of designers and users .
13 The similarity of their views — if only on that one key point — is a measure of how the superpower thaw is extending from arms control to economic matters as well .
14 But Fenella seemed to have caught the Gruagach 's interest fairly and squarely ; Caspar , only partly listening , heard her telling them about another life , another world , where people had fled in panic from the Feargach Grian many centuries earlier and how the Feargach Grian had , on that occasion , appeared in one of its truly terrible aspects .
15 They begin by explaining how the spectrum keyboard works .
16 Before we go on to explore in some detail how the Stress Syndrome comes about I want to make a couple of general points .
17 All this variability both within and between people suggests that the story of how the Stress Syndrome comes about can not be as simple as the Hay Fever Theory would have us believe .
18 They settled in armchairs and she saw how the standard lamp threw shadows on his face , accentuating the hollows in his cheeks and the overhang of his brow so that his eyes seemed to sink into their sockets and burn there in the firelight like lamps in darkened caves .
19 The program designer in creating material of a much less familiar kind , needs a clear view of how the teaching unit may be used by a variety of teachers and how he may help them use it effectively .
20 With more experience the observer will find it worth learning to use the full SCAN system , since the event-by-event analysis shows very clearly the rhythm of the teacher 's style and how the teaching unit and the program support or upset it .
21 The choice of software depends on how the school librarian and/or teacher want to use it and what skills and concepts the pupils should experience .
22 Just how the money supply will be affected , however , depends on the form the borrowing takes .
23 Still more important from our viewpoint is how the state apparatus relates to its citizens .
24 While ‘ The Prophet ’ was asleep , a violent rainstorm swept across the countryside but when it ended and the farmer went to see how the fugitive minister had fared , he found that , miraculously , an area around the sleeping man had been left untouched by the rain .
25 It is helpful therefore to look at the pre-1991 case law to understand how the welfare principle operates in practice .
26 It was important , for instance , to know how the salary profile of Company A or the age profile of Division B had altered over a particular period .
27 ‘ We can not tell at all how the pol[itica]l situation will develop , ’ wrote Trevelyan to Morel in July 1915 , adding : ‘ There is no hurry . ’
28 He expresses extreme concern about how the entertainment industry is able to contaminate the mind of the public .
29 But the studies , carried out by the British Trust for Ornithology for the Department of Energy and the Mersey Barrage Company , have still to indicate whether or how the bird population might be changed by a barrage .
30 My interest is therefore in how the grant assistance from the EC is to be treated by the Council .
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