Example sentences of "how [adj] be to " in BNC.

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1 The recommendations in paragraph ten er ask you to approve the capital programme and the revenue budget and the staffing for the committee and that , that 's the increase of the one post I mean I referred to you earlier and if the committee approves this budget , will put forward to the Policy and Resources Committee on the thirty first of January which will consolidate the budgets for all the er services and make final decisions on how that 's to be and reset for the next .
2 How that is to be done necessitates an explanation that can not be other than labyrinthine .
3 A school has to decide what kind of organization it is ( a factory , a work community , a market-place ? ) , who its customers are , what they want and how that is to be delivered and measured .
4 How this is to be done , and what ye all have to do , I will leave in the hands of the Bishop Don Hieronymo , and Alvar Fañez , and Pero Bermudez .
5 The literature of the last few years is thronged with papers proposing that these must be taken into account — but with few realistic proposals on how this is to be achieved .
6 But Althusser 's own account does not make it clear how this is to be done .
7 If the claim that they all legitimate the existing order is to be more than a dogma it must be refined , and Althusser 's work offers no suggestion as to how this is to be done .
8 For in his analyses of the classes of capitalism he resorts to purposive terminology , without giving any hint of how this is to be understood except in an everyday , voluntarist manner .
9 He uses an example to explain how this is to be done .
10 I ask you , gentlemen , to consider how this is to be accomplished . ’
11 But it is a relatively complex judgement , and , like entailment , will probably prove to be derivable from more elementary intuitions ( e.g. from patterns of normality and abnormality ) , although it is not at present clear how this is to be done .
12 The assistant must thus be provided with detailed instructions on how this is to be achieved .
13 Details indicating how this is to be made must now be entered into the engineering file .
14 The treaty does not define how this is to be interpreted geographically .
15 It is investment like any other business investment , and it should be clear what it is intended to achieve , and how this is to be measured .
16 He failed always to understand that there was a large area of common ground in British public opinion on India which consisted in the belief that , with a few adjustments , British rule could be made , and remain , acceptable to Indians for ever , and that differences of opinion were to a considerable extent about how this was to be done .
17 The political pressures reinforcing this attitude were powerful , and Shinwell , with his eye on the working class cost of living , told the Central Authority at its first meeting that they should not charge prices higher than costs ( without , however , specifying how this was to be interpreted ) .
18 There was little elaboration as to how this was to be achieved , save occasional guidance notes ; otherwise there was reliance on the all-embracing , but rather vague idea of protecting ‘ amenity ’ ( Punter , 1987 ) .
19 He makes it clear in the dedication of the latter that voices and instruments were to be used now together , now separately ( ‘ per vocum et instrumentorum melodiam , tam conjuncte quam divisim ’ ) but not at all clear how this was to be done .
20 There was a particular dish , in those days something of a delicacy , which needed cutting into sections before serving , and the question was how this was to be done .
21 Although he did not specify how this was to be achieved , he promised not to increase the unpopular goods and services consumption tax ( GST ) .
22 The Luxembourg session was represented as a " political agreement " and the subsequent Salzburg disagreement as reflecting different interpretations of how this was to be translated into concrete terms ; " on some outstanding questions the respective positions were converging , while on others further work remained necessary " .
23 In this context , it means that the appropriate central planner must decree what total resources on a national or a local scale are to be made available , how much is to be allocated to each special service , and where units offering these services should be established , so as to maximize their effectiveness .
24 Some items of expenditure are fixed by statute and there is no room for debate about how much is to be spent .
25 With a standing order you tell your branch exactly how much is to be paid and when .
26 This order specifies how the twenty or so different amino acids are arranged in a protein , how much is to be made , and when .
27 Sometimes the contract stipulates how much is to be paid by the party in breach , e.g. ‘ £300 per day for each day delivery is delayed . ’
28 How these are to be assessed poses delicate problems for the social anthropologist as he attempts to evaluate local ideology and its relationship to economic and political commitments .
29 Secondly , paralinguistic features of the ‘ vocal effect ’ type are treated as part of intonation , and it is not made sufficiently clear how these are to be distinguished from prosodic features .
30 This is followed by a description of the shortcomings of provision at that time , a statement of aims and objectives and a projection for how these were to be achieved against the background of the staff , PTA and governing body involvement described earlier , and the investment of £5,000 from 1982/83 capitation in refurbishing .
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