Example sentences of "because it [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He chose a child as his lover because it fed that ego ; he lost her because he never cottoned on to the fact that children are children , no matter how grown-up they might appear .
2 One was to be gold , since no-one had made a gold guitar before and such an instrument would be a perfect attention-grabber , and the other was to be black , black because it looked smart and also because it was the best colour for showing off the hands of the guitarist — provided the guitarist were Caucasian , of course .
3 After re-packing her case , she fervently hoped for the last time , she had a wash , and because it looked sunny and warm outside dressed in a skimpy vest with a blouse over the top , and a rather strange Fifties-style skirt covered in poppies .
4 Swessex , a bastard county created by the iniquitous reorganization of local government in the early ‘ seventies , comprised one and a half old counties knocked together because it looked neater that way .
5 Jinny remembered seeing it and slipping past it because it looked complicated and she was tired .
6 From the olive-branch , modern languages have derived a synonym for ‘ peace ’ ; the reason is that the olive is the product par excellence of peaceful cultivation , because it takes fifteen to twenty years to mature , and the destruction of olives was always the first task of an invading army .
7 Right it is a hundred miles from King 's Lynn to London , the train takes two hours to do the journey the train does not go at a constant speed , it speeds up sometimes and slows down at other times it also stops at stations on the way and on once of course as it , as it 's stopping it 's going more and more slowly and as it 's er moving off again it starts slowly and starts to go quickly but because it takes two hours in all the train goes a hundred miles in two hours we say its average speed for the journey is fifty miles per hour .
8 It does n't , sometimes it goes more slowly sometimes it goes more quickly , sometimes it stops but because it takes two hours to do the hundred miles we say its average speed for the journey is fifty miles per hour .
9 He said copyart can be practised by people of differing abilities because it takes little or no skill to produce exciting and impressive images .
10 This is a truly radical development for the church , because it takes much of its thinking from Marxism .
11 Particularly if dissimilar investments with different time scales are in competition for funds , the NPV method has merit in the general case , because it takes these factors into account .
12 particularly if dissimilar investments with different time scales are in competition for funds , the NPV method has merit in the general case , because it takes these factors into account .
13 Most experts recommend once a week because it takes this long for any real loss to show .
14 And because it takes several months , and often a year or more , before a lender seeks to repossess , the 1991 repossession figures reflect the interest rates charged in 1990 .
15 The force within can also be manipulated through … Dieting , in which you are discouraged from eating meat because it provokes unhelpful vibrations and produces what might be called static interference in meditation .
16 She believes that the more placid Protestant religion to which she belongs is infinitely better , because it provokes fewer emotions , but calms the soul .
17 Learning linguistic terminology is enabling , because it forms one part of children 's growing vocabulary and thinking .
18 Salamanca Old Cathedral , so-called because it forms one unit with the much larger New Cathedral , was built in 1120 78 ( Vol .
19 Volatile solvent extraction is employed a great deal in the perfume industry because it produces superb fragrances which are truer to the aroma found in the living plant .
20 A simple unipolar drive circuit — so-called because it produces unidirectional currents suitable for use with a variable -reluctance type motor is discussed in Section 2.2 .
21 The bourbon shrub rose ‘ Zéphirine Drouhin ’ is widely grown as a climber because it produces scented pink flowers and its lack of thorns makes pruning easier .
22 The pancreas is vital for digesting food , because it produces digestive enzymes as well as the hormone insulin .
23 It was the First World War because it affected most of the people of the world .
24 Pragmatism is a skeptical conception of law because it rejects genuine , nonstrategic legal rights .
25 But the potency with which c-Myc induces apoptosis suggests that deregulated c-Myc expression by itself is likely to be lethal because it kills any cell that encounters growth-limiting conditions , an almost invariable outcome in vivo .
26 This was a remarkably-thorough and penetrative survey of the WEA 's work in a predominantly-rural area ; worth citing at some length because it encapsulates much of the spirit of the Eastern District at this time .
27 Nevertheless , the literature on the professions per se provides a useful entrée into this type of education , because it identifies some of the main themes which characterize not only those professions but preparation for them : the existence of a body of specialized knowledge and expertise ; the influence of professional norms and ethics ; the autonomy and responsibility of the professional ; the relationships with colleagues , clients and the state .
28 ‘ The reason it was changed was because it came soft . ’
29 Practical English Usage is invaluable because it solves many problems which are frequently not dealt with in coursebooks .
30 It did not worry about women 's invisibility precisely because it accepted prevailing views that politics should be left to men , that the proper forum for female participation is inevitably the family and that the main function of the politically competent woman is to socialise the children and to filter the needs of home and family into the political system .
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