Example sentences of "one after the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 From the gap in the hedgerow we opened fire on the running Germans , toppling them over one after the other .
2 One after the other , they 're all pressed into one great snake .
3 A single glance and , one after the other , they will scurry away , leaving me free to place hat , coat , newspaper , boots and Pac-a-Pet box over the remaining five seats and enjoy a journey of uninterrupted solitude .
4 They pour in one after the other .
5 Each took the oath and then gave almost identical evidence , one after the other condemning the prisoners in the dock .
6 Suddenly , she bent forward and kissed them one after the other .
7 And one after the other they kissed her on the cheek .
8 One blow without faith was hard enough , what about two , one after the other ?
9 Hold down Alt and tap , one after the other , the keys which will give the character and/or paragraph formats you want ( see Tasks 13 , 14 and 24 to 26 )
10 Hold down Alt and tap , one after the other , the keys which will give the formats you want
11 But a British video company is releasing a home tape with both endings , one after the other .
12 Standing close above it , he presses the rim of a bell hard against its skull and , leaning forward , blows a blast of air into each ear , one after the other .
13 She squeezed them painfully , one after the other , over her hand .
14 One after the other , on the run , and without hesitation , they took the fatal one step into the night .
15 Then he sat in the grass , brought his wrists up under his knees , kicked off his shoes and worked his legs through his locked arms , one after the other .
16 When he stopped to look back along the road , he saw two cars draw up in front of his home , one after the other .
17 All you have to do is gently move all your joints , several times , one after the other ; carefully stretch and then tense your muscles ; breathe deeply , but not too deeply , and invigorate your body by massaging it with your hands , someone else 's hands or a rough towel .
18 Running until their pursuers had become separated by the chase , they would turn and ambush them one after the other .
19 ‘ And in a building that stood ten or twelve paces from the place where they were beheaded , one after the other like sheep ’ , wrote a Spanish historian , ‘ was Pedrarias , watching them between the canes which formed the walls of his house … ‘
20 But the gabble was such that the child could n't distinguish what it was they wanted , until the old woman cried , ‘ No candy rock today ! 'T IS all gone , all gone , ’ at which , one after the other , the children , as if at a signal , stopped gabbling and took up the chant : ‘ Raggie Aggie !
21 ‘ People did n't like his going around town with one after the other . ’
22 Every time pupils reach a question , they must stop and both players toss the coin , one after the other .
23 Information is conveyed in an entertaining fashion , with brush strokes projected one after the other onto easels dotted about the technological countryside , as a way of illustrating the impressionist technique .
24 Faced with a row of objects we do not , he said , lampooning Wittgenstein , perform appropriately by pointing to one after the other saying that 's a tree , that 's a tree , that 's a man , that 's a tree .
25 One after the other , the bubbles plop and the rough edges sizzle back just like they 're being eaten away by invisible acid .
26 But to enable him to concentrate on it , the government services that arose one after the other in the nineteenth century ( forestry , irrigation , the archaeological survey , public health and sani-tation , roads ) were organized outside the administrative structure , and had virtually no contact with the district officer .
27 Do you fancy those men taking your body , one after the other ? ’
28 The hostile reception he received in the Caribbean in 1986 marked another low point , so that in the best tradition of film scripts , from a sea of adversity arose a hardened hero , utterly uncompromising , a succession of glittering prizes — personal and national — to be seized by him one after the other .
29 THESE DEVELOPMENTS ALL came one after the other .
30 Plenary sessions in the Conference had , one after the other , commented on the absence of any relevant courses at University Departments of Education , on the similar failure on the part of other institutions of higher education to develop qualifications which might secure recognition from the Council for National Academic Awards , and on the apparent unwillingness of the Department of Education and Science to recognise overseas qualifications whilst at the same time refusing to take a lead in a field which could be shown to be a priority area .
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