Example sentences of "one can [adv] [be] " in BNC.

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1 One is no longer at home anywhere , so in the end one longs to be back where one can somehow be at home because it is the only place where one would wish to be at home : and that is the world of Greece ! "
2 He did serve in the war along with hundreds and thousands of other people and it 's something one can justifiably be proud of . ’
3 So the problem is in general that , in being grossly inappropriate , one can nevertheless be supremely appropriate !
4 Until silver objects from archaeological sites have been subjected to more systematic metallurgical analysis one can hardly be sure when and where the metal began to be extracted from galena ores .
5 If the object is itself bizarre or ambiguous , one can hardly be surprised that the result is bizarre or ambiguous .
6 One can never be defeated if one stands on a matter of morality . ’
7 So , Coward is elevated to join the likes of Greed ( 1923 ) and Paisa ( 1946 ) and Le jour se lève ( 1939 ) , but Manvell cautiously refuses to bestow individual plaudits , preferring to see the film as ‘ one of those rare films for which one can never be sure to whom the real credit is due … an example of the unity achieved by the cooperation of many creative minds ’ .
8 One can never be sure . ’
9 And anyway , I 'm only there for a very small part of the year ; I spend most of my time at school , where there 's twelve beds to a room … dorm … and one can never be alone , it 's not allowed . ’
10 This is a problem which again requires the utmost tact and diplomacy , for one can never be sure of the reaction of a guest on hearing sad news .
11 Thus I might argue that to know you must be certain , but that one can never be really certain and hence one can never really know .
12 One can never be entirely sure of anything in this world , can we , Theo ? ’
13 One can never be sure , but I do n't think so .
14 Yet no one can ever be lonely on The Canadian .
15 No one can ever be explicit about his own value system because he is inside it .
16 This includes Schenk , despite her stated belief in the essentially ironic character of wisdom literature ; a belief which seems to imply that the best lesson one can ever be taught is to be cynical ( which might , sadly , be true ) .
17 No one can possibly be against a cleaner environment and the conservation of rare and irreplaceable species such as elephants , whales and orchids .
18 Similarly , no one can possibly be against the concept of better quality air and drinking water .
19 If one contrasts the history of British Conservatism in the early twentieth century with the history of the British left — or , indeed , the German right — in the same period one can only be struck by the discrepancy in the volume and nature of the scholarship produced .
20 One can only be fearful of what could have been the situation . ’
21 In a sense , one can only be delighted that Leapor and other poets like her are receiving such serious attention .
22 When such adjustments are made , the Phillips curve apparently gives the policy-maker a choice between employment and stable prices ; more of one can only be gained at the expense of the other .
23 One can only be blocked by lead .
24 One can only be glad for their sakes .
25 There had been a bridge since Roman times , and some remains of a medieval one can still be seen .
26 In these cases an internal control is required so if faced with a negative result , one can still be sure that the PCR conditions were perfect .
27 Cooking for one can sometimes be a dreary business , and many elderly people on their own do not eat the right types of food to maintain health .
28 Among the grammatical words which cause problems are the prepositions ( words like " of " , " on " , " to " , etc. ) ; choosing the right one can sometimes be difficult , as in the following example : impediments of industrial advances
29 No one can quite be sure whether he will be really ready for the expected showdown with world champion Jansher Khan , which is likely to decide Tuesday 's final .
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