Example sentences of "one from the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In this respect , Morrissey was on safe ground and , it seemed no one from The Sun reads the NME .
2 Its situation is about half way between Westminster and Windsor , similarly between the Royal Parks of Richmond and Hyde Park , from the latter of which two roads ran westward , one from the north side and the other from the south side , both meeting at Turnham Green .
3 Suppose the Universe really was like that , and you had two astronauts leaving the Earth at the same time in opposite directions , one from the North Pole , the other from the South .
4 You never saw a black Irishman that height ) , tall as two abbeys , arriving in cavalcade , one from the north and one on the Roman road from the south , and dismounting and greeting one another .
5 Holly had picked a discarded one from the floor .
6 The lower tier would be known as the Board for Local Authority Higher Education , its membership consisting of Christopher Ball as Chairman ; six representatives of local authorities ; six from the DES ; six from institutions , made up of two from the Committee of Directors of Polytechnics , two from the National Association of Teachers of Further and Higher Education , one from the Association of Principals of Colleges , and one from the Standing Conference of Principals and Directors of Colleges and Institutes of Higher Education ; and three others , consisting of one from the Trades Union Congress , one from the Council of National Academic Awards , and one jointly from the Business and Technician Education Councils .
7 No one from the council was available to be interviewed .
8 Mrs Frak says she bears no one from the home any ill will .
9 Yes , there will be three points of access onto the road , one from Mr Lingard 's property , one from the development by Grant Construction , and another one from the bridle track .
10 You 'll have to wait while I get one from the back store , ’ he said .
11 They each led a procession , one from the church and one from the school , but with the demise of the iron company and its band these two joined together in one procession .
12 Two examples will be cited — one from the field of manual work and one from the field of intellectual work to show how socially useful design would result in quite different systems .
13 Two examples will be cited — one from the field of manual work and one from the field of intellectual work to show how socially useful design would result in quite different systems .
14 There were a number of reports on his desk , almost all of them negative , including one from the officer in charge of the search around Jordan 's farm .
15 Without exception every single one of them in that room , and I invited every single one from the whole of my constituency , said , we want to stay in the National Health Service .
16 Tonight no one from the air base ia making public comment
17 Someone asks me what cherries look like and 1 pick one from the basket and say " This is a cherry " .
18 Both English samples came from Somerset in the vicinity of Westbury-sub-Mendip , one from a patch of woodland and one from the bottom of a cliff on which the kestrel was roosting .
19 Do I get one from the state , or is it going to be , yes , where does it come from ?
20 They each led a procession , one from the church and one from the school , but with the demise of the iron company and its band these two joined together in one procession .
21 He could have got one from the kitchen , but I expect he 'd locked up after he 'd brought the supper up . ’
22 In such primitive surroundings , amid the stunning beauties of the island and the glories of the Aegean , where fishermen still wrested a living from the sea and farmers scrabbled one from the land , Leonard found his peace ; his ‘ sitting-down time , ’ as he called it , where he could — as all poets must — recollect in tranquillity .
23 If you should stroll into a pub and meet an analyst and a user talking about work , and you can not tell one from the other , they have probably developed a successful system together .
24 The fields were divided into strips of round-backed ridges , separated one from the other by ploughed furrows which acted as land drains .
25 The idea has effectively been ruled out by the Commission 's clear reference to the need for a ‘ common economic policy ’ , but the myth that it is possible to separate one from the other persists in Britain .
26 But it is commonly held that Mind and Matter both have existence , separately , one from the other .
27 The eight fabrics that were chosen for the garments were completely different one from the other .
28 One can not directly infer one from the other .
29 As they approached , the prince had found it almost impossible to tell the one from the other .
30 Nevertheless , an ordinary person might be hard put to tell one from the other .
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