Example sentences of "one [coord] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There are roughly three kinds all of which can use one or a mixture of dance styles .
2 There are a number of strategies at your disposal and you can use one or a mixture of them to help you over an unexpected hurdle .
3 Normally intended for Honours graduates in an appropriate subject who wish to study one or a combination of two of the following subjects in a Scottish context : traditional tales and songs ; ethnomusicology ; social life and history ; custom and belief ; material culture ; place-names .
4 For a corporation like Unilever , which has a number of companies in its overall control , the boundary may be defined to include one or a number of these companies .
5 See which come along first , a red one or a blue ?
6 That 's what it er seems like erm if there 's a police car you can bet your life the chances are there 's gon na be another one or an ambulance if there 's been an accident .
7 This is so even if the relationship they are worried about is a very strong one or the parting they are anxious about is a very ordinary and short one .
8 Or that one or the mouse .
9 ‘ On the pendulum of self-exposure that oscillates between aggressively exhibitionistic Mailerism and sequestered Salingerism , I 'd say that I occupy a midway position ’ , explains Roth in The Facts — in a prefatory letter to his alter ego of earlier books , the novelist Nathan Zuckerman , who is granted a letter of reply at the end of this one and a perusal of the intervening narrative .
10 If you are wondering , for instance , why The Instant Calorie and Fibre Chart lists only three quarters of an ounce of shredded wheat and then an ounce or more of other cereals , ask yourself whether you have ever seen anyone eat one and a quarter , or perhaps one and one third , shredded wheats …
11 All around there is a buzz of nervous tension as everyone present prepares for the next one and a quarter hour 's worth of pure adrenalin flow .
12 During the nineteenth century , another thirteen hundred acts and awards brought , or attempted to bring , another one and a quarter million acres of heath and moor and commons under cultivation .
13 or one and a quarter or one and a half or whatever
14 What 's your other one and a half ? ’
15 or one and a quarter or one and a half or whatever
16 I only done one and a half !
17 He started to play one and a look of pain flickered across Blanche 's face as if someone was trying to shave her legs with a blunt razor .
18 Is he a big one and a canary ?
19 Between them they expressed the opposing feelings so often displayed by young children in the peak age of attachment : on the one hand , the protest and fury about being left — cries of rage — and then a sullen refusal to acknowledge and come to the mother ; on the other hand , the desperate yearning for the loved one and a need to cling and not let go .
20 Generally speaking , the present scene is a varied one and a number of factors contribute to the way in which a missionary situation is tackled by the Church .
21 She was a lively one and no mistake .
22 The first is that no one and no book can teach us to pray .
23 The appellant 's construction of successor in title was the correct one and the decision by the F.C.C. was a nullity .
24 However , the public on Møn was a small one and the park was visited primarily by public servants from other parts of Denmark , whose job it was to plant out public places — and also by visitors to the Villa and The Tamarisks .
25 She was only in a in a she said she was earlier than the other one and the other came in two days time .
26 At a minimum it would seem reasonable to return to the stark simplicity of the RSPCA 150 years ago and agree not to inflict pain on my fellow creatures because pain helps no one and the infliction of it brutalises me .
27 The general design is a simple one and the standard of the sculpture and decoration is high .
28 Also known as The First One and The Master of Time ; El was the father of gods and men amongst ancient Syrians and Canaanites .
29 According to this alternative view , the target association may be formed perfectly normally but since , on a subsequent test trial , both this and any previously learned association will become activated when the CS is presented , the subjects may fail to retrieve the ‘ correct ’ one and the likelihood of the CR will be reduced .
30 It was a double one and the man on duty smiled as he let me in .
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