Example sentences of "one [conj] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Others interested in this Ocean may have already found their choicest figures : the one that brought the Pacific 's surge so very much alive for me — when hitherto it had been no more than the muffled beatings of a warm , blue and very distant sea — related to an event seven miles above the surface of the earth , some time during a night in 1984 .
2 Well the other day they they were so easy the other day I thought to myself erm who was it , what was it , it oh who , who was the one that sang the green grass of .
3 A standard response , yet one that begs the question , just how do they manage to mine such a rich vein of talent ?
4 ‘ He 's not the only one that uses the belt , Aggie .
5 The tremendous increase in our powers of destruction brought about by modern science and technology , however , has made aggression a very dangerous quality , one that threatens the survival of the whole human race .
6 The final and comprehensive pose struck by the Nun 's Priest is one that exemplifies the high ethic of the Canterbury Tales — a pragmatic and tolerant attitude of human good fellowship — by virtue of the truly merry tale that the Nun 's Priest tells , laughing at and with his characters and readers but scorning and destroying none .
7 If reviewers are too busy to do their job properly ( and I recognise their willingness to take on such a thankless task , though it is one that helps the process of science advance ) then they should be removed from that task .
8 The one that drives the lorry with the big ears ? ’ , it became necessary for him to drive a truck instead .
9 They suggest the sorts of function an area might be involved in , and some degree of localization is possible by varying stimulation sites and finding the one that produces the largest response for the lowest level of stimulation .
10 Specifically- one strong hypothesis is that of Fama and Jensen : Organisations compete for survival , and the form of organisation that survives in an activity is the one that delivers the product demanded by the customers at the lowest price while covering costs ' ( 1983 , p. 345 ) — a Darwinian view .
11 Their main conclusion , that ‘ more than ever , the typist of the new era will be the office wife ’ , is a simplistic one that ignores the contradictory nature of the evidence .
12 The most obviously myopic strategy is the one that ignores the dynamic aspects of the problem but instead treats it as a sequence of eight one-period problems .
13 The recession of the 1870s was shallow , but one that took the economy a long time to climb out of .
14 So , we will tackle pruning in a different way , one that takes the mystery out of it .
15 Tape units usually come with a back-up utility of their own ; presumably one that takes the fullest advantage of the functions of the hardware .
16 But could n't could n't you do one that takes the competencies from the probationary work book and puts that down .
17 Then then then the winner of course is the one that takes the money .
18 This is really a question about embryology , not genetics ; and it is an entirely separate question from the one that worried the Bishop of Birmingham and others .
19 The Glenpatrick Golf Club holds the main golfing event of the year , or one that generates the most obvious competition , and that is the ‘ Buchanan Trophy ’ , the inter-company match .
20 Thus , in comparing alternative economic structures the most efficient is defined as the one that generates the greatest total surplus , where that total surplus is the sum of consumers ' and producers ' surplus .
21 Some words can go in more than one category : put them in the category of the simplest error , or the one that offers the simplest way in to teaching .
22 The second option is , in fact , the only one that offers the possibility of high real incomes in America .
23 Thus we do not discriminate between a process that offers to output one of two values on a channel nondeterministically and one that offers the choice to the environment , even if this last idea were operationally reasonable .
24 I saw again the one that escaped the Grounds and died just before it made it to the stream .
25 They 're the one that gets the benefit !
26 Okay well the one that went the furthest was
27 Only by trying out different colours and effects will you be able to find one that does the most for your looks .
28 The lady that was in there today not Rosie the one that does the stories , she 's always there well , when she 's there .
29 you with me ? , cos I 'm having him going over my words , but I felt really guilty about that , because I , the thought that he was frightened of me shouting at him and yet I think it 's to do with passing over of all authority , I 've been teaching him , I 'm the one that does the words , not her
30 He reckoned that Biblical Christianity not only made more sense than any other religion or philosophy , but also it was the only one that had the power to produce real holiness of life in genuine believers .
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