Example sentences of "one [pron] [vb past] the " in BNC.

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1 You 'll find enclosed the original photograph you brought me some time ago — the one I took the enlargement from .
2 In one I found the bottles and glasses as described , and took them aft .
3 Because then , you just look at it and say , Ah I know how we got here , that reminds me of that one I did the other week where it came out looking like this .
4 That was the one I liked the look of
5 Funnily enough , the one I gave the biggest chance to was Heist in the Festival Bumper but he finished second .
6 An awards system which recognises only HNC and HND achievement would be one which ignored the majority of SCOTVEC 's candidates — there are almost ten National Certificate candidates for every one in Advanced Courses .
7 The National Materials Handling Centre accordingly set up a Working Party , chaired by Mr. A. C. Parnell of Fire Check Consultants with a brief to examine the following areas of the problem ; the whole being intended to act as a plain main 's guide but one which had the agreement of all interested parties .
8 Of all the areas covered by the evaluation , this was the one which attracted the most critical comment .
9 An example of such a calculation would be one which compared the images on the two retinas , and searched for differences which would provide information about relative distances .
10 In the future historians are likely to regard the post-1979 Conservative governments as also having produced a change in direction , one which reversed the direction of previous post-war administrations .
11 It was , of course , a very expensive operation but one which achieved the introduction of a complete range of products into the kitchens of those people whose sampling of the product would be the most valuable .
12 The ARC was defensive — its own existence being threatened by the Region administration , and was in no mood to rock the political boat by publishing a ‘ sensitive ’ report , i.e. one which revealed the inadequacies of their own policies , and would incur the displeasure of the corporate investors in the region .
13 And there was another one which affected the road , again the same road but north of Wych Cross , at Bramble Tie , which is between Forest Row and East Grinstead .
14 He called for a more critical approach , one which recognised the failures and shortcomings of what had been achieved , an accurate assessment of the intentions of policy-makers and legislators , and proper consideration of alternatives which might have been adopted .
15 To the untrained observer it was a room , an ordinary room , exciting in no particular way and one which contained the semblance of twelve human occupants .
16 The ‘ Entebbe Maths ’ in the ‘ sixties and for the ‘ sixties was a success story and one which laid the foundation for interest and expertise in curriculum development not only in Mathematics but in other subjects as well .
17 Many of the animals in this exhibition were gathered by hunters from a different era ; one which saw the decline of rarer species shot almost to the point of extinction .
18 Hawkins and Jess took the slave to the one which housed the old pony tack , the moth-eaten horse blankets , the bits and pieces from Mr Jarman 's horse-riding lifetime and his father 's before him .
19 First , cases of ‘ excessive defence ’ have a grounding in legal justification , in that the occasion was one which justified the use of some force , and this places them on a higher social plateau than killings with no element of justification at all .
20 The Italian insurrection was a dismal failure , one which caused the young man not only political disappointment but personal tragedy , for his elder brother died as a result of illness contracted during the rising .
21 It just happened to be the one which caused the glass to become overfilled and which caused the body to begin to signal being under excessive stress .
22 Shape The most efficient sleeping bag would be one which followed the contours of your own body perfectly .
23 The underlying motivation behind this selection was that of all the sentences this was the one which provided the neatest summary of the entire story .
24 It was a more austere and intellectually demanding conception of the role of the student , though one which removed the student even more from the culture of the wider society .
25 An IT system is one which satisfied the information requirements of an enterprise by bringing together a relevant combination of technologies which capture , generate , transfer , store or process information .
26 They said there were sufficient explosives to build a bomb half as big again as the one which devastated the Baltic Exchange in the City of London on April 10 , the day after the General Election .
27 None gave more than 13 hours to Language in Education ( except one which listed the whole 120 ) , and several gave none ( but unlike with the English tutors , this was generally recognised as a separate area ) .
28 Initially , the project had use of a very basic one which involved the manual counting of audible bleeps , which could then be averaged to counts per minute .
29 And he argued that , in conditions of such widespread disunity and tribalism as Africa suffered , the press had another responsibility , one which involved the very security of the State :
30 He said he had taken Kurlovich to Barcelona aware of the positive test and fearful disclosure might bring on a dope scandal similar to the Bulgarian one which shook the 1988 Games .
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