Example sentences of "one [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There is one pointed apical papilla flanked by 3–4 oral papillae , occasionally as many as 5 or 6 on each side .
2 There is one pointed apical papilla flanked on each side by 3–4 rugose oral papillae , although in some specimens thee maybe more giving the appearance of a double row .
3 There is one pointed apical papilla flanked on each side by 4 pointed slightly rugose oral papillae ; Mortensen ( 1927 ) reports that there may be as many as 8 each side .
4 There is one pointed apical papilla flanked on each side by 3–5 oral papillae , the distalmost of which is long and rectangular .
5 There is one pointed apical papilla flanked on each side by 3 oral papillae , the distalmost of which is leaf shaped with a rounded outer edge .
6 There is one pointed apical papilla flanked on each side by 3 oral papillae , the distalmost of which is long with its free and widened and squared off .
7 There is one pointed apical papilla flanked on either side by 3 conical , pointed oral papillae .
8 There is one pointed apical papilla flanked on either side by 3–4 oral papillae ; the free end of the distalmost one may be widened .
9 There is one pointed apical papilla flanked on either side by 3–4 blunter oral papillae .
10 There is one pointed apical papilla flanked on each side by 3 oral papillae , broadening progressively from spine-like to block-like .
11 There is one pointed apical papilla flanked on each side by 4–5 block-like oral papillae .
12 The second oral tentacle pore arises superficially outside the mouth and is open without a tentacle scale , except in juveniles where there is one pointed spine-like scale arising on the adoral shield .
13 ‘ Not for a single moment would one want those days to return .
14 Thus any construction with an adjective in postverbal position should differ in its semantic value from one using predicative position insofar , but only insofar , as the verb differs in its semantic value from zero .
15 This recipe gives the option of choosing the traditional sauce , or one using green peppercorns , red wine and yogurt for a lighter but very hot variation .
16 But no one wasted much attention on that .
17 Tea/supper 1 oz. of diced cheddar cheese mixed with one diced fresh apple .
18 The commission wants two environment funds , one for conservation and one to promote clean technologies — both to be effective in 1984 .
19 If one integrates this thinking with the concepts underlying the SBU portfolio grids in strategic analysis , and especially if a successful cost-leadership and limit-pricing policy such as described earlier in this chapter is being pursued , one might expect to see a product ( SBU ) shift from ‘ Fine tuning ’ , through ‘ Pursue ’ , ‘ Awaken ’ , ‘ Scramble ’ and ‘ Salvage ’ , over the product life-cycle .
20 Pockets : two zipped side pockets , one zipped back pocket .
21 No one asked that question , they simply focused upon er the , the communist insurrection in the south and the American , American commitment to the global containment of communism meant that they had to go and do something about it and domestic political pressures were there too er President Kennedy came out of the Cuban missiles crisis a hero because his people mistakenly believed that he 'd won a foreign policy success and that he 'd acted in a restrained and statesmanlike manor .
22 No one asked that question , they simply focused upon er the , the communist insurrection in t any more questions ladies and gentlemen ?
23 Products of one became raw materials or fuel for another , as shown in the diagram .
24 This is exactly the message that fairy tales get across to the child in manifold form : that a struggle against severe difficulties in life in unavoidable , is an intrinsic part of human existence — but that if one does not shy away , but steadfastly meets unexpected and often unjust hardships , one masters all obstacles and at the end emerges victorious .
25 But how does one make any sense of Berlin ?
26 ‘ Half of those who participate in these activities ’ , remarked one frustrated local LNU branch in a letter to Gilbert Murray in 1936 , ‘ … want our Government to do one thing and the other half the exactly contrary thing … . ’
27 Its hard to see that there will be much demand for it at that price , but AT&T Co has introduced a phone called Picasso Still Image Phone , which enables people that both have one to transmit television-quality colour still images over standard phone lines while still talking to each other — but it costs a cool $3,300 for one ; Picassos will be installed at 39 Marriott convention hotels under an agreement with Washington , DC-based Marriott Corp and AT&T is looking into co-operating on image technology with Eastman Kodak Co — the phone , designed mainly for advertising , design and photography agencies , will work with the Kodak 's Photo CD system .
28 No one doubts that concern or that the offence is prevalent .
29 It is not the best of assignments , says one experienced blue-beret wearer , but it is still better than Lebanon .
30 Perhaps one agrees that expansion of the money supply and inflation do often go together but refuses to accept it as significant unless told why .
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