Example sentences of "like a [noun] [unc] " in BNC.

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1 Stretching out his arm , and spreading his fingers like a snake 's tongue , Ollokot asked :
2 She looked over at the pile of burned clothing she had shed like a snake 's skin , and shuddered .
3 Advanced levers of power , like a snake 's fang or an orchid 's flower , came far later .
4 She was wearing a dress that fitted like a snake 's skin , and looked like one , too .
5 No actually it was just , it was just like a question erm find X. That
6 One moment an avenue of chestnut trees looks ‘ like a child 's drawing of ghosts ’ ; the next it appears ‘ frightening but derelict , like extinguished chandeliers ’ ; and finally the chestnuts ‘ prance at him , holding up their gleaming branches like hysterics . ’
7 When Lloyd George talked about the Empires and Kingdoms , kings and crowns of Europe falling like withered leaves , he should have been talking about the millions of ordinary people , the music and laughter and minutiae of countless lives , washed away like a child 's map drawn on a slate left out in the rain .
8 Behind the wide , full mouth , the arrogant stare of the eyes , the dark , crimped , Pre-Raphaelite hair streaming in the wind , was a careful delineation of the headland , its objects disposed and painted with the meticulous attention to detail of a sixteenth-century primitive ; the Victorian rectory , the ruined abbey , the half-demolished pillbox , the crippled trees , the small white mill like a child 's toy and , gaunt against a flaming evening sky , the stark outline of the power station .
9 Before them , at the edge of the cliff , crumbling against the skyline like a child 's sandcastle rendered amorphous by the advancing tide , was the ruined Benedictine abbey .
10 But first , before the orders , true democracy had to be trotted out on the desk in front of the two men like a child 's board game , the dice tossed and a couple of moves played .
11 Isobel looked up and laughed herself , her nose wrinkling up like a child 's .
12 The air was like a child 's kiss , cool and sweet .
13 Red walls of baked earth , crenellated like a child 's fort ; neat , red courtyards ; a red street with a line of palm trees down the centre .
14 You get one video and what at first glance looks like a child 's painting book .
15 He was a big man of about forty , with dark hair flopping over his forehead ; his eyes were dark too , strangely wide and clear like a child 's ; and his face was as familiar to her as Adam 's .
16 Nor did he see another consequence , as his nephew Mauss confessed , shortly before going mad : ‘ how large modern societies which have more or less emerged from the Middle Ages in other respects , could be hypnotized as aborigines are by their dances and set in motion like a child 's carousel .
17 The Chinese lunch they 'd had the secretary phone out for lay on the coffee table like a child 's experiments with putty and paint and designer ooze .
18 Her knees were drawn up , like a child 's .
19 He stirred under her touch and turned towards her , his head rooting for her shoulder , like a child 's .
20 It tumbled over her slim straight shoulders in deep shining waves that reached almost to her waist , and her beautiful , heart-shaped face shone like a child 's .
21 First , it is basically conceptual , like a child 's drawing .
22 Pain flickered like lightning across the broad , strong features of his face , and then he spoke , his voice curiously small , like a child 's .
23 Then , gripping it , he passed through the rustle of the reed jalousie hanging in the doorway into the small interior , where Sycorax lay on her side , collapsed on the beaten earth like a child 's poppet made from plaited grass , with Ariel on her haunches beside her , head sunk on her knees , a fan fallen to the ground beside her .
24 She looked at the pictures of the Spitfire , and trembled to think that his survival depended , in part , on such a little plane , almost like a child 's toy to her sophisticated eyes .
25 The sun was a great cauldron of red , painting the edges of clouds that swung round ponderously in the sky like a child 's mobile .
26 He picked it up , felt the warm light body under the plumage like a child 's small fist in a soft mitten .
27 Like a child 's game .
28 My heart was pounding , my stomach spinning like a child 's top .
29 It sounded like a child 's voice , lilting and clear .
30 hauled up its tail like a child 's drawing
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