Example sentences of "use [pos pn] [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 About one third of drivers said they used their cars for unnecessary journeys .
2 You are unlikely to be using their services for material to send out to the media , though they could be a useful source of illustrations for internal publications , but you may be able to place some of your material with them for use by other organisations .
3 I was amazed to realise that some of them had been using their machines for five years and had no idea of the machines capabilities because all the instructions are written in either English , Spanish or Japanese ; nothing in Thai .
4 Powering themselves with their tails and using their flippers for steering and balance , they are often seen travelling at speeds greater than 45 k per hour ( 25 knots ) , and the fastest species can reach maximum speeds of over 56 k per hour .
5 The Pope is affirming here that women have work to do not only in the Church , but also in using their gifts for the good of society .
6 Later BT pledged to stop 0898 phone operators using its videophones for sex shows .
7 He uses his explorations for business , videos , pictures and stories .
8 Man uses his eyes for both long- and short-range sensory perception , but some creatures rely more on one sense for long-range and on another for short range perception .
9 In addition the received legal model of the company gives powers to the shareholders to ensure that the directors once in office do not use their powers for their own self-interest .
10 What these legislative reforms seem to be suggesting is that all is basically well with the traditional model where the directors of the company manage the company but are supervised in that task by the shareholders who , if given the requisite powers , can be relied upon to ensure that directors do not use their powers for their own purposes .
11 But the dining-room was too spacious : there the sepoys could use their numbers for a devastating bayonet charge .
12 Perhaps she could use his skills for her own advantage .
13 We are fortunate that the leadership and whole-hearted support of our Minister and Kirk Session enable us to ‘ use our powers for those who are powerless ’ .
14 Alternatively , you can use your vouchers for huge savings at exclusive European hotels .
15 Do you use your notes for developing your historical understanding as well as for recording historical information ?
16 ‘ The only way you will get any results at all , is for me to take your boys in my school , on my horses , two or three times a week , from now through until the summer , and for the boys to use my horses for the competition .
17 The conditions must be appropriate from a planning point of view : the planning authority are not at liberty to use their powers for an ulterior object , however desirable that object may seem to them to be in the public interest .
18 Although the children at the La Mane Centre were made to use their powers for the wrong reasons , when it came to using their powers when it mattered , both Carrie and Michael used them in order to kill and destroy .
19 Late in the genesis of the law on zemstva , the new assemblies were permitted to use their resources for schools .
20 Normally , banks are unwilling to use their funds for financing enterprises in other republics and provinces , but it seems that in this case the banks in the more prosperous parts of Yugoslavia had funds in excess of the amounts they were permitted to use for giving credits to their own customers ( Politika , 27 August 1987 ) .
21 To dispel another myth : we have not entirely evolved from this animal ability to use our senses for survival .
22 Narrow-winged , small and compact , they fly powerfully with rapid wing-beats , sometimes planing over the water like hydrofoils ; in hunting they dive and use their wings for propulsion under water , feeding mostly on plankton and small fish ( Nettleship and Birkhead , 1985 ) .
23 They demonstrate how they use their catapults for birds ; stage a frightening scuffle at the edge of the canyon , then pose for a photograph with great , old-fashioned dignity .
24 Almost a third of the population 300 million people use their bicycles for local travel .
25 Beetles use their fore-wings for a different purpose altogether .
26 We also make use of the photo-copying facilities and use their premises for our winter evening meetings .
27 yeah , makes you I ca n't see what 's good its doing twenty years afterwards , the people had time to think about it and use their memories for twenty years , nineteen seventy-two it happened and they 've just sort of done it .
28 AA research shows that 64 per cent of motorists use their cars for this purpose -among them , semi-skilled and unskilled workers for whom the car is an absolute necessity .
29 Ellis denied he was a ‘ pimp ’ and had no idea the youngster may have been using his premises for her work .
30 If you have ever watched a dog running across a field , unless he is tracking something , he will often run with his nose in the air , using his eyes for long-distance viewing , but as soon as he reaches an area of interest , down goes the nose , far closer to the ground .
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