Example sentences of "use for [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You can use a submersible pump , which you 're using for a fountain or cascade to empty most of the water , but only do this to the level of the pump intake — then it 's a matter of bailing out with a bucket .
2 Precisely who it was she was using for a role model became clear as a middle-aged lady , admirably slim in well-cut jodhpurs , erupted from some inner fortress to enquire , in tones that carried effortlessly across the yard , precisely why Caroline had failed to run up her stirrups , how long had she been riding ?
3 They work for those and algebra just follows , so it just follows the normal rules that we 're using for the numbers that we know .
4 All Rincewind had to do was shake off his guards , fight his way out of the Tree , find the temple and steal the horse out from under whatever it was that Bel-Shamharoth used for a nose .
5 The cast on , or hip measurement , must of course , be the same figure as that which you used for the top of your skirt program .
6 There was a special pole they used for the purpose .
7 I must admit the Hockin style was inclined to be more racy than that I used for the Gazette .
8 Oh I know what we used for the board .
9 He then spent a brief spell on the staff at the Gaczyna spy school before being sent to Angola in 1974 as a senior military adviser ; three years later he took over as commandant of the notorious Balashikha , a centre on the outskirts of Moscow used for the training of international terrorists .
10 The Daimler station bus with a shooting brake body , also used for the staff and luggage .
11 In every case , dried blood caked the mesh cages and the thick iron bars which they used for the momentum of walking .
12 Examples of page description formats are Hewlett-Packard 's printer command language ( PLC ) used for the LaserJet series of printers and the many which emulate it , and the Canon printing system language ( CaPSL ) .
13 Similarly if in a language a woman referred to her son by the same term as she used for the son of her sister , this showed that the system of terms developed at a time when the two sisters would have been co-wives of the same man or men .
14 She told representatives the new inflation figure was the one used for the pension increase next April .
15 So the choreographer can not make strong contrasts between the style usually used for the other-worldly spirits and that used for the characters living in the particular setting .
16 Another of his favourites seems to have been a tomato jam ; this he uses for a sweet called Peaches Barbara with cream and kirschwasser and pistachio nuts .
17 There are various essential tools which Nancy uses for the success of the finished work , ‘ It 's like baking a cake , ’ she says , ‘ you just follow the recipe ! ’
18 At present the country 's exports of these metals are small but the volume could be stepped up as uses for the materials grow .
19 If you want to change the graphics image that Windows uses for the icon , click on the CHANGE ICON option button and select one of the many icon designs on offer .
20 If the guides are used for a literature search , the student gets feedback on understanding , in that he/she discovers whether or not he can find the information required .
21 The notation from the Tables provides systematic mnemonics to a limited extent , since the same notation is used for a concept whichever main class number it qualifies .
22 This 'd probably be used for a construction of some sort I would imagine .
23 Polje , the Serbo-Croat word used for a field , bears the special connotation of a large , flat-floored depression .
24 CD is playing with the term ‘ pocket-borough ’ , used for a constituency where the electors ' votes were all corruptly controlled by some wealthy individual ( see BOROUGH , CLOSE ) .
25 He had never been used for a hit , and it was unlikely that he could get from Moscow to Tbilisi anyway .
26 In a close-knit community of students the video camera is sometimes used for a video club which produces a video magazine about the affairs of the college .
27 The piece , from her book ‘ Liverpool Miss ’ , was used for a test of reading and writing .
28 If your bike is second-hand , or has n't been used for a while , then it 's important to check that it 's safe to ride .
29 There was nothing that could be used for a cradle so obviously she intended keeping it in bed with her , but Sarah had heard tales of babies being smothered like that and she was surprisingly anxious that her newly expected brother or sister would n't end up that way .
30 His process was superseded long ago but his name is still used for a type of raincoat .
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