Example sentences of "such a [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Anyway , I am sure he would not find anyone who would give him such a good time .
2 ‘ I did n't know I could have such a good time so close to home .
3 It hurts more because we had such a good time in the Eighties .
4 Davis had such a good time in Paris that when he got back to the US , he was so depressed that ‘ before I knew it , I had a heroin habit that took me four years to kick . ’
5 Glad to hear you had such a good time .
6 Others I met included , who had organised this splendid day in conjunction with , who live at nearby Fonmon Castle , in South Glamorgan ; , who is secretary of the Cirencester Polo Club , and his charming wife who is such a good time keeper and was going to time the match later .
7 ‘ Those two are going to have such a good time — is n't it just so lucky , their being born almost together ? ’
8 That she appeared to be having a marvellous time in Jamaica and was being hopelessly indulged by Dunbar had elicited no more than a shrug of Harry 's shoulders and a vague comment about his being delighted she was having such a good time .
9 ‘ And Terry and Stephen seemed to have such a good time there .
10 Julia Newton , Kath Metcalfe , Helen Rhodes , Sue Thirkill , Andy Stuart , Simon Cash , Yvonne Johnson , Nicola McGrath and Mike Smethurst had such a good time they are already planning another get-together in the not too distant future .
11 She 's had such a good time and made so many new friends that she 's quite resigned to going back to school in a few days ’ time . ’
12 But after our day out when we 'd had such a good time it seemed as though you might care and that we could have a chance .
13 I had such a good time myself , ’ says Susan .
14 have such a good time .
15 At such a critical time Aldfrith would surely have returned to Northumbria with all speed .
16 ‘ We had such a great time on stage that we wanted to do something else , ’ said Kylie .
17 And , you know , we all lost a good friend ; I 'd had such a great time over those last two days working with him and with Eric , and I think about that time quite a bit .
18 An organiser said : ‘ She was having such a great time she did n't want to go .
19 Once again , the intensity of contact spread over such a long time in the field makes this form of self-monitoring difficult to maintain , and there was also a general resistance from below to the management 's instruction .
20 And when I saw all of them after such a long time I did n't like to go back again , really I did n't want to at all .
21 Never , perhaps , have I so lived for such a long time together .
22 Such a long time ! ’ she gasped in his ear as they hugged each other tightly , the dogs retiring a respectful distance to sit and watch the homecoming with tails swishing excitedly over the gravel .
23 The second period lasted more than 14 months and they dare not risk being caught again with so many cattle subject to movement restrictions for such a long time .
24 It takes such a long time to use up a tin , you probably would n't realise .
25 If it was a turning point in terms of ‘ proving ’ the relationship , it also marked the change in image Kylie had been wanting for such a long time .
26 They say that , as the wars happened such a long time ago we should simply forget about them now .
27 After playing such a dominant role in the employment and prosperity of the area for such a long time , it seemed an ignominious end for these splendid and inspiring reminders of the past .
28 Three years did n't seem such a long time when one of them had elapsed , and although Robyn was satisfied that she was highly valued by her colleagues , the talk at the University these days was all of further cuts , of tightening belts , deteriorating staff-student ratios .
29 It did n't matter that it had taken such a long time .
30 Of course it 's all such a long time ago . ’
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