Example sentences of "look on [pers pn] as " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Gloves , cane and collar astonish these artists in shirt-sleeves — they have always looked on them as the insignia of feeble-mindedness … still , it 's great to be in the thick of the dog-fights of great art . ’
2 Of course Francis had thought about it as something that was inevitable , and he had plans , but they had never seemed very real and he had looked on them as castles in the air .
3 ‘ She 's only seven years older than me and so I 've never looked on her as a mother figure .
4 Blanche feels that the only way that she will be able to marry Mitch is if he looks on her as someone still young .
5 Helmets and unbelted tunics were for the despised ‘ county men ’ , ‘ those sheep-dippers up the road in the sticks ’ whom we continually used to reassert our own status by looking on them as ‘ hicksville country cousins ’ and definitely not ‘ real polises ’ .
6 Keep your exercises plain and simple , and you have a better chance of enjoying them , rather than looking on them as a burden .
7 Rome looking on them as a devoted couple .
8 ‘ I was looking on you as my date tonight . ’
9 But in the real world , where most of us enjoy our horses and look on them as part of the family , pony power can really score .
10 You look on Him as a father telling you what to do . ’
11 I have been a manager long enough to know the fans only look on me as a punch bag , constantly on the end of the verbal one-two .
12 But the union just look on us as if we are employed by them .
13 Wrens rarely get a real ship , you see , and some of the old hands look on us as intruders , to say the least .
14 I look on it as a work of God .
15 Although this involves the use of rather advanced techniques compared with the running of simple transfers and dubs , many enthusiasts believe that this type of editing is essential to the making of ‘ real ’ movies , and look on it as the key creative element in their video activities .
16 Obviously many look on it as a significant occasion which is very , very flattering ’ .
17 I look on it as home .
18 Look on it as an extra bit of security for all that money you 've invested in the station .
19 They 'd say : " We look on you as part of the family — we feel we know you so well . "
20 If he spoke to a girl a couple of times he would tend to look on her as a girlfriend .
21 The disasters that befell his army paradoxically heightened his personal charisma : even the barons of Outremer continued to look on him as their one potential saviour .
22 Many people these days have a rather negative concept of health in that they tend to look on it as a state in which one does not feel ill or has no pain — in other words , a state of absence of illness .
23 Gain-up does tend to make the picture look rather grainy , though , so it is best to look on it as a last resort and reserve it for those times when a grainy picture is better than no picture at all .
24 She was determined not to look on it as the ending of a chapter but the making of a new beginning .
25 Do n't be tempted to look on it as anything permanent . ’
26 She was n't much of a drinker either — did n't even particularly like the taste of alcohol , but she 'd have to look on it as a necessary medicine .
27 Because Jane did not look on him as a , as a man but as an idol .
28 Hopefully , ‘ You … you could look on me as another sister . ’
29 Balanced with a diet of the gospels , I would look on it as the church planters ' manual .
30 She said she liked to think that the younger women looked on her as a mother , but of course they did n't : they found her faintly ridiculous , old-fashioned , gullible , naive .
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