Example sentences of "look for [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Those are only the qualities he looks for in the people who work for him , though .
2 If the record is not on the centre track the first or last track will be searched , depending on a comparison of the key being looked for with the highest key on the track .
3 Finally , it seems also to be a taken-for-granted principle that in human affairs where there is order there is something corresponding to a rule to be looked for in the background of the actions which appear as orderly .
4 Fourteen diabetes related examinations were looked for in the medical records , ranging from visual acuity and foot pulses to random blood sugar and urine analysis .
5 Where , on the other hand , we have sense-qualification , the property of A is not applied as a property in itself to the entity identified by N ( nor are any referential and perceptual correlates of the intensional property to be looked for in the actual referent , if there is one , corresponding to that entity ) .
6 Nothing fancy is looked for in the way of bait and tackle : it 's the basic hook , line and worm .
7 Project members are normally overseen by a Steering Committee , representing relevant expertise that is not to be looked for within the institution itself .
8 Perspicacious as ever I asked the council 's marketing director , John Howard , if he had then researched what consumers were looking for during the 60 seconds that were being removed from their lives for ever .
9 Oh , yes , you 're just the sort of bloke we 're looking for for the guards .
10 Area health authorities up here which we 're not looking for at the moment and er because the Government is hashing them around and we 're a bit uncertain in that area .
11 That that 's all we 're looking for at the moment .
12 Of course while they may be imagining that they are bending my ear and creating a good impression , they are also providing me with the kind of evidence I am looking for about the gendered and generational aspects of this kind of racism .
13 Get some movement out there we had a young , a young lady who er she name and she 's up front in the cabinet you know every opportunity she had she was looking for round the room , but not sort of in the round the outside all the time and it 's just that she wanted to be with a group of people all the time .
14 You simply have to weigh up your personal circumstances and what you are looking for from the job , keeping in mind any long-term plans that you may have for your future career development .
15 Floating voters tend to say things like ‘ Of course , being in carpets , what I 'm really looking for from the parties is a firm pledge on European weaving quotas , ’ and they tend to sound like Hurd and look like Gummer .
16 The DUC found the group it was looking for in the Oxford-based Political Ecology Research Group : ‘ They more or less said to us , ‘ We 'll not take on your issue if we decide that in the upshot our report will be favourable to the mining companies .
17 He remembers sitting on a hard seat , among a hundred other candidates in a large , impressively ancient room , scribbling a General Essay paper for three hours on EITHER Political Necessity OR ‘ Enrichissez-vous ! ’ not at all sure what the examiners would be looking for in the answers — their ideas or his ideas , or the former subtly disguised as the latter , or the latter masquerading as the former .
18 What did they accuse him of in front of Pontius Pilate , that 's what we 're looking for in the Roman trial next to come .
19 When you work with people and you communicate you listen to what they say and you make sure you say what you need to say then that trust is there and that trust builds and it fosters trust , and really that 's what we 've got ta be looking for in the work situation .
20 Police have released a description of the man they 're looking for in the Tewkesbury attack .
21 Anybody get what we were looking for in the , yes you should ?
22 You 'll find lists of publishers and what magazines look for in the Writers ' & Artists ' Yearbook ( A & C Black , £7.95 ) .
23 What , then , should the researcher look for in the settlements in his area , and how should he set about analysing what he finds ?
24 ‘ About schools , no doubt , they know something-perhaps they have schedules and inventories that tell them in wearisome detail what they should look for in the structure , the physical fabric .
25 Whatever she could look for in the future must be looked for outside marriage .
26 I mean you think about primal hunting adults like the bushmen or the Australian Aborigines , the the men do the , do the hunting for erm for meat and women do the , do the gathering for and the point is that er meat is very nutritious and it 's an important part of their diet and men go hunting and they come back and they share food with their wives and their relatives or someone and male parental investment is terribly important So women for instance if you ask David McKnight who 's a world authority on the Australian Aborigines and has spent many years living with them , say what do women look for in the traditional society , what do women look for in a husband ?
27 it can be confusing with sucha range of chesese. people always know what to look for by the colour .
28 You simply wo n't know what to look for in the way of payoffs , the consequences of behaviour .
29 Reliability , simplicity , small size and light weight are the things to look for in the many models on the market today .
30 This means that they should be clear about what they are to look for in the performance and how they are to judge these points .
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