Example sentences of "look for [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Those are only the qualities he looks for in the people who work for him , though .
2 If the record is not on the centre track the first or last track will be searched , depending on a comparison of the key being looked for with the highest key on the track .
3 The posters were fixed at night and the culprits were never caught — or , more likely , never looked for by a police force who enjoyed the joke as much as the rest of the city .
4 Another possibility is that there could be a relationship between this inflammation and infection with Helicobacter pylori , although we are unable to confirm this from our study , since the organism was not specifically looked for in every case .
5 Finally , it seems also to be a taken-for-granted principle that in human affairs where there is order there is something corresponding to a rule to be looked for in the background of the actions which appear as orderly .
6 Fourteen diabetes related examinations were looked for in the medical records , ranging from visual acuity and foot pulses to random blood sugar and urine analysis .
7 Where , on the other hand , we have sense-qualification , the property of A is not applied as a property in itself to the entity identified by N ( nor are any referential and perceptual correlates of the intensional property to be looked for in the actual referent , if there is one , corresponding to that entity ) .
8 Nothing fancy is looked for in the way of bait and tackle : it 's the basic hook , line and worm .
9 Project members are normally overseen by a Steering Committee , representing relevant expertise that is not to be looked for within the institution itself .
10 Perspicacious as ever I asked the council 's marketing director , John Howard , if he had then researched what consumers were looking for during the 60 seconds that were being removed from their lives for ever .
11 Kattina was anything but tidy , and she found what she was looking for under a pile of underwear .
12 And I I do n't want to spend all night chasing round Blackpool looking for for a place that serves ordinary food of a decent standard .
13 Oh , yes , you 're just the sort of bloke we 're looking for for the guards .
14 What sort of business are we looking for as a , as a group , as a company ?
15 I think , I hope we 've pointed out to you the essential differences between what Brian would be looking for as a , as a magazine editor if you like , and what I would be looking for as a , as a news editor .
16 I think , I hope we 've pointed out to you the essential differences between what Brian would be looking for as a , as a magazine editor if you like , and what I would be looking for as a , as a news editor .
17 ‘ In order to get that Job , Scott , you have to clarify one thing in your mind — a picture of what they 're looking for as an anchorman . ’
18 Area health authorities up here which we 're not looking for at the moment and er because the Government is hashing them around and we 're a bit uncertain in that area .
19 That that 's all we 're looking for at the moment .
20 I can recommend any family will find what they are looking for at an HCI Club .
21 Of course while they may be imagining that they are bending my ear and creating a good impression , they are also providing me with the kind of evidence I am looking for about the gendered and generational aspects of this kind of racism .
22 Get some movement out there we had a young , a young lady who er she name and she 's up front in the cabinet you know every opportunity she had she was looking for round the room , but not sort of in the round the outside all the time and it 's just that she wanted to be with a group of people all the time .
23 You simply have to weigh up your personal circumstances and what you are looking for from the job , keeping in mind any long-term plans that you may have for your future career development .
24 Floating voters tend to say things like ‘ Of course , being in carpets , what I 'm really looking for from the parties is a firm pledge on European weaving quotas , ’ and they tend to sound like Hurd and look like Gummer .
25 Whatever you are looking for in a holiday , we defy you not to find it in Majorca .
26 ‘ It all depends , ’ Henry had said , ‘ what you are looking for in a relationship ! ’
27 Precisely what you 're looking for in a watch .
28 Even blindingly obvious and crucial insights do n't usually come instantly — it took us 24 hours to realise that the part-concealed agenda behind IBM 's December closures was that the company was signalling the death of the mainframe , a couple of months to realise that the executive search committee of IBM non-executive directors had n't a clue what it should be looking for in a new chief executive for IBM — because they themselves did n't have the computer industry background they needed to recognise how vital such a background would be to the person assuming the post .
29 Police found the man they were looking for in a horsebox .
30 The DUC found the group it was looking for in the Oxford-based Political Ecology Research Group : ‘ They more or less said to us , ‘ We 'll not take on your issue if we decide that in the upshot our report will be favourable to the mining companies .
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