Example sentences of "look [adv] different from " in BNC.

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1 From this perspective , even Sartre 's Critique looks rather different from the way it appeared in the early sixties when read in the context of Lukács ' History and Class Consciousness .
2 The light over the Channel , for instance , looks quite different from the French side : clearer , yet more volatile .
3 An example may be found in Mozart 's third sentence from the Andante just quoted : This looks quite different from the previous section ( Example 26 ) , yet it is really made up of semiquaver groups which end the second sentence , with the addition of the dotted rhythm which begins the second full bar of the music .
4 The result is that the surviving text of the Interludium de Clerico et Puella looks quite different from Dame Sirith : it looks like an anticlerical play .
5 From the front the Aurora looks very different from the Condor , or indeed any other rucksack .
6 The picture looks very different from Virgin 's early days in the record business .
7 So that , erm just as you can construct a house out of bricks and mortar , and really , although the house looks very different from just bricks and mortar , it is just bricks and mortar arranged in a certain way , so the glass , the bottle , erm although it looks a very different thing from a sense experience , is really nothing more than a very complicated pattern of actual and possible sense experiences .
8 ‘ The theme of the story was that something very sinister had happened a long time ago which had left the planet looking entirely different from anywhere you could see on Earth .
9 Some of them indeed seemed to be at the service , looking somehow different from the ‘ office workers ’ for whom the services had been arranged .
10 Within a theoretical framework , they constitute the start , at least , of a serious and methodical study of language , though certainly one looking very different from a University undergraduate course in Linguistics .
11 However , things can look rather different from the angle of those just above the exemption limit .
12 They could n't look more different from conventional modern sculptures — cold , remote shapes of shiny steel that clutter the entrance halls of Soho advertising agencies , while everyone tries to work out what on earth they are there for .
13 But , as a direct result of their parents eating lots of fresh vegetables , fruit , and cereals , the children of the 1990s ‘ will look very different from the bulky people bred in Britain since the 1890s . ’
14 Undoubtedly , the GISs of the 1990s will look very different from their rather primitive ancestors .
15 VIRGO — BY THE end of 1993 your life will look very different from the way it does now .
16 Societies are under grave pressure on both sides of their businesses , and when the crisis does end , the building society world may look very different from the way it did in 1990 .
17 The classrooms in which such learning takes place may look very different from those in which I sat as a child 50 years ago ( the walls are covered with paintings and there is a computer in the corner , the desks are informally arranged ) but the assumption that all learning is determined , ordered and mediated through the teacher is the common thread which links the schools of the 1980s with those of my pre-war childhood .
18 A landscape determined solely by what is most profitable under current conditions would look very different from that which exists today , despite the rapid changes which have recently taken place .
19 The Church 's Eastern European resurgence , centred upon its long recognized strength in Poland — a country led from mid-1989 by a devout Catholic prime minister — but now including almost every country from Czechoslovakia to Lithuania , as well as what previously seemed the almost unimaginable resurrection of Uniate Catholicism in the Ukraine , has ensured that Catholic history and geography in the 1990s are likely to look very different from that of the 1980s .
20 These final accounts , of course , look very different from the cash accounts of defence spending .
21 Their accounts look very different from the nationalized industries because they adopt budgetary accounting and also because they adopt fund accounting .
22 She wandered round the aisles , filling up her trolley with cheese , sliced ham and wedges of terrine , lingering over the huge butchery section , where the cuts of meat looked so different from those she was used to .
23 She noticed that the nuclei of the cells of the quail embryo looked slightly different from those of the chick embryo .
24 It looked quite different from Liverpool , and not only because the sun was shining .
25 She looked quite different from the way I 'd remembered her .
26 The houses looked completely different from those in Trieste , most of which were grey and severe , and although I had seen picture postcards of Venice nothing could have prepared me for what I now saw for the first time from the steps of the railway station .
27 In fact James Morris looked very different from the last time he had seen him , two years previously .
28 The street looked very different from its Sunday image ; the shops were open and delivery vans effectively blocked the way for all but the most resolute pedestrians .
29 The whole place looked very different from when they had played their friendly match with Sir Bryan and Doctor Stevie .
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