Example sentences of "look [prep] [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 Once you 've chopped off the top ten , there are mass mi middle , medium sized P L C's , the nine million to fifty million turnover er company and they 're looked after by some by major firms , some more often than not by the second tier firms , so we can see very much and we can penetrate those er that middle market situation , then these are the companies in the future that will er will probably be the big P L C's and also these it will be easier to get into these organisations er with the services that we have to look through to offer .
2 Under many circumstances this would be looked upon with some suspicion — giving rise to accusations of severe oligopoly or even near monopoly .
3 The extent of the crisis in the Soviet economy was illustrated in November and December by the introduction of food rationing in many parts of the country , including Leningrad , its second largest city , and by an international airlift of emergency food aid which was looked upon by some as a national humiliation .
4 I am immediately introducing new measures to ensure that all high-risk premises , which include restaurants , will be looked at by some health officer every six months . ’
5 In this chapter , the everyday division of labour at work is looked at in some detail , in order to understand how all the parties involved -employers , men and women — interpreted the questions of skill and pay .
6 However , the question of the value of the product should be looked at in some detail .
7 In particular , the mechanisms of landlord-influence in rural and urban communities will be looked at in some detail with a view to explaining the variable incidence of the ‘ deferential ’ and ‘ participatory ’ types of voting identified by previous research .
8 Finally , public relations has been looked at in some detail , because this area has expanded most over recent years and its relationship to the selling function is a very direct one as the sales force is increasingly being called upon to carry out PR activity .
9 It 's only one that can do it at a time we all have a role to play , we 're all part of that body are n't we that we 've looked at in some , what a lovely description it is , and some of us do n't look quite as good as the other part do we ?
10 But finally deciding it was time to move off , and doing his best to ignore the rooks , which began to mob him again the moment he took flight , he flew three hundred yards to another oak which he had been looking at with some care .
11 While this is a complex area to tackle and it is by no means fully charted , it is worth looking at with some learners — for instance those who need to conduct business and to attend meetings in English .
12 we approximately the subject we had been looking at for some time so I approximately , nineteen eighty eight , nineteen eighty nine
13 If you find in the longer run that the process of " being in love " stops you functioning properly ( i.e. getting your college work done ) that too is something you might need to look at with some skilled help ( i.e. a skilled counsellor ) .
14 So , looked at in some lights , theory becomes literature .
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