Example sentences of "should in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The energetic pursuit of these two policies should in the long run ensure a substantial improvement in the employment situation .
2 It was ‘ wholly appropriate ’ that information in these circumstances should in the first instance be given in the absence of the public .
3 The Parliamentary Under Secretary of State , Mrs Virginia Bottomley , reiterated the familiar British line that while the government was ‘ already considering the scope of agricultural restrictions , ’ it ‘ believes that wherever possible , they should in the first event be on a voluntary basis , with compulsory powers being retained as a fall-back . ’
4 Contact with the Trade Finance manager should in the first instance be made through your account holding Branch Manager .
5 Under the Data Protection Act you are entitled , subject to certain limitations , to know what data about yourself is held on computer and , if you wish to exercise this right , you should in the first instance approach the Personnel Department .
6 If in a potentially life threatening situation or one in which irreparable damage to the patient 's health is to be anticipated , doctors or hospital authorities are faced with a refusal by an adult patient to accept essential treatment and they have real doubts as to the validity of that refusal , they should in the public interest , not to mention that of their patient , at once seek a declaration from the courts as to whether the proposed treatment would or would not be lawful .
7 ‘ such occasions [ when a judge may properly rule that a document ordinarily immune in the public interest should in the public interest be disclosed ] will be exceptional and the fluctuating fortunes of parties in litigious combat will rarely justify a judge in disturbing an immunity firmly rooted in the public interest .
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