Example sentences of "look [adv] to the " in BNC.

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1 It is an establishment which distrusts individualism , which prefers to proceed through collaboration , which looks still to the state to redress the workings of the market , to resist centripetal force which the City of London exerts .
2 It turns from Proust 's text and looks outward to the language system in general ; and at the same time it represents de Man 's voice speaking from outside and intruding into Proust 's text .
3 Doug chatters with cold like a little monkey , and Bill looks darkly to the horizon .
4 In such a case , as Lord Haldane said in North Western Salt Co Ltd v Electrolytic Alkali Co Ltd [ 1914 ] AC 461 , the law " still looks carefully to the interests of the public , but it regards the parties as the best judges of what is reasonable as between themselves " .
5 I thought that because I had looked up to the twins on account of their wealth I expected others to do the same to me .
6 Fortunately , Leinster 's front five , which includes the experienced tight-head prop Des Fitzgerald , looks up to the task of scrummaging against the All Blacks .
7 The river is broad here , about two hundred yards , and from its banks one looks up to the baroque turrets of the Benedictine monastery of Stift Göttweig , perched high on its wooded hill .
8 Greg Grant looks back to the Victorian adventurers who conquered nature to put a communication girdle around the world .
9 At a time when plans for global communications seem to rest on the semantics of international standards , Greg Grant looks back to the Victorian adventurers who conquered nature to put a communication girdle around the world .
10 Again , one looks back to the nineteenthcentury origins of English literary studies , when the first pioneers and missionaries , men such as Morley and Furnivall , travelled all over the country to talk about English literature in adult education classes and working men 's clubs .
11 This use of nursery rhyme looks back to The Waste Land with its ‘ London Bridge is falling down falling down falling down ’ and anticipates another explicit nursery rhyme which , in slightly distorted form , opens section V of ‘ The Hollow Men ’ .
12 This old way , ‘ With an alien people clutching their gods ’ , looks back to the savage world which Eliot had been exploring , the world trapped in the ritual of ‘ birth , and copulation , and death ’ .
13 Ash-Wednesday , for all its renunciation , does at times look towards the childhood of the race , but more strongly it looks back to the poet 's own childhood with which this primitivism is associated , as Eliot looks back , in language mixing ‘ Gerontion ’ , Virgil , and a new interest in his own childhood .
14 Revising the original articles for Notes towards the Definition of Culture , he complicated his argument 's texture by involving more material relevant to his personal history and to the history of his work , such as that mention of Heart of Darkness which looks back to The Waste Land .
15 They were things that you took to enhance your experience and to make it more intense — to make your personal development became part of your life , It was a very high-minded approach and when one looks at what has happened to the drug scene today and one looks back to the prevailing attitudes at the time , one can see the absolute , total abhorrence among drug takers that I knew in those days of amphetamines , heroin , barbiturates , mandrax — all those things that had an adverse physical effect which were considered to by highly dangerous to one 's personal development and to one 's daily living .
16 Located in the centre of Birmingham , it looks back to the city 's rich heritage with its colourful canalside setting ; and forward to a dynamic future through its direct link with the International Convention Centre and renowned Symphony Hall .
17 Today , the Mirror looks back to the first tragic deaths in one of the world 's longest and more bitter conflicts .
18 The third film , ‘ Waiting with Xavier — Glimpses of the Church in South China ’ , looks back to the arrival of Christianity in China 400 years ago , through St Francis Xavier , and explores the current life of the Catholic Church in Guangdong Province , South China .
19 The third film , ‘ Waiting with Xavier — Glimpses of the Church in South China ’ , looks back to the arrival of Christianity in China 400 years ago , through St Francis Xavier , and explores the current life of the Catholic Church in Guangdong Province , South China .
20 Instead John looks back to the creation of the world … and then skips over the millenia to the ministry of John the Baptist and to Jesus , as an adult .
21 And it , kind of faces both ways , it , it looks back to the early period of the development of Freud 's thought that we 've already spoken about , and its beginnings back in the eighteen nineties , and in certain other respects , it looks forward , to the kind of revolution that was going to occur after World War Two .
22 George looks back to the past and Nick looks forward to the future .
23 COLM MURPHY looks back to the future as Clandeboye 's golfers prepare for an All-Ireland double assault in the national Cup and Shield finals at Woodbrook next weekend .
24 Looked upwards to the sky : and there , up there , glimpsed now and then between the moving boughs , was the constellation of the great bear … and the pole star .
25 Increasingly , as penetration of the West European markets on any large scale failed to materialise , the German states looked eastwards to the less socially advanced , less well-organised societies along their borders .
26 It 's tempting to stop at every village you come across on your travels — at Spili , we paused to drink from a Venetian fountain where stone lionheads spouted clear spring mountain water ; at Preveli we visited the famous monastery which looks out to the south coast ; driving through the Psiloritis mountains we braved the wind to climb down the Kourtaliotiko Gorge and saw the tiny church of St Nicolas .
27 To the west , Chioggia looks inward across the lagoon and Sottomarina looks out to the Adriatic sea .
28 The pessimistic thing was , the Hobbesians always looked back to the past , some golden age of order in the past , you know , when , when people knew what to do and er , and er , things were right as it were , and th they tend to want to restore some ideal state of order and authority that existed in the past , which was much better than now , because civilization has gone to the dogs , and been corrupted and so on .
29 For example , when Lok looks across to the island in the burgeoning spring , a narratorial simile compares the haze of early spring buds to smoke : " there were buds everywhere on the island too , drifts of them like clouds of bright green smoke " ( p. 101 ) .
30 — ‘ in thought I see my past madness ’ ; these two cries are from the Arnaut Daniel speech ending Purgatorio XXVI , where the poet condemned to the circle of lust prays for the hearer 's consideration and looks forward to the release from the to tortures meted out to the lustful .
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