Example sentences of "look [prep] the long " in BNC.

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1 Looking in the long mirror , she was satisfied with the tailored , dark-grey worsted suit and simple white blouse , the black suede courts , white gloves , and sleek , long black umbrella .
2 The tour was disappointing but looking to the longer term future of Scottish rugby it was certainly not a disaster .
3 Looking to the longer term , the Company has outline plans for a later phase of developments which will include platform improvements and a visitors ' viewing gallery in the workshops but at the moment all efforts are focused on phase 1 .
4 Looking to the longer term , I believe these reforms will significantly encourage the development of larger discoveries , such as West of Shetland , where a higher rate of return is necessary to balance the increased risk and costs of operating in a more demanding deep-water environment . ’
5 Looking at the long sweep of the historical past , Temple had seen that ‘ Historical analogies lead us to one conclusion only ’ — that subject races invariably at some point regain their liberty .
6 Comparing his grey frozen features with the carved stone angel beside the lectern , looking at the long lit-up scar , and the furrowed forehead as he wrestled with the difficult words , Daisy thought he did n't need to humble or prove himself any more .
7 then you see or somebody you know looking at the long jump and they 're muttering away to themselves .
8 But we must look at the long term view .
9 Planners need to look at the long term provision of locally based day care as well as reviewing current provision in terms of suitability , costs etc .
10 We can cut money off , let's make some easy quick decisions about cutting money off , let's chop out the arts you could do that on one line easily and I think you have to look at the long term you have to look at what happens in terms of our culture , our civilization if you do do that , how people change and to me it 's about and that was raised last night too about how an saying that they had put a limit on the cost of opera tickets forty pounds , compared
11 Busacher snorted , drank , and wandered over to look at the long table which had been set up right down the centre of Willi 's big living room .
12 ‘ I have no intention of meeting her , ’ Jenna began , but he too stood and looked towards the long windows as a car came speedily to the house .
13 Sarah looked round the long dining-room .
14 Claudia looked in the long mirror for the last time , and her breath caught in her throat ; that beautiful bride could n't be her .
15 I looked across the long row of pens .
16 Duncan looked at the long green grass and , as he looked , the wind blew strong and the tall , green grasses swayed and whispered in the wind .
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