Example sentences of "should not [be] used " in BNC.

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1 Therefore they should not be used together in the same word .
2 It will also decrease the likelihood of catching hardened computer criminals by turning informers into criminals , and allow computer manufacturers to carry on selling insecure computers for applications where they should not be used .
3 The second was that force could not and should not be used to maintain Communist authority in Eastern Europe .
4 Mr Jones has criticised Mr Mandelson for announcing his candidature in a newspaper article and said that the spirit of the party 's selection code , which says the media should not be used to promote a candidate , may have been broken .
5 ‘ But it should not be used as a pretext to exclude 12- or 13-year-old girls from school when it is precisely these secular schools that should offer them the opportunity to learn , grow and make their own choices . ’
6 There is a consensus among the public that cars should not be used to go to work .
7 They should not be used in any quantity as they can cause stomach upsets , but are extremely useful for the presentation of nouvelle cuisine dishes .
8 There are plenty of army officers , by no means all of them supporters of radical causes , who think the army should not be used to settle political arguments with the republics .
9 Given the technical and administrative problems that such a method would present in many classrooms and the artificiality which would be introduced , we recommend that tape recording ( audio or video ) should not be used to moderate the assessment of oral performance for SATs ( though it may , of course , be used by teachers or pupils , as part of their planned activities ) .
10 shots which show the Speaker receiving advice from a Clerk at the Table should not be used and Officers and staff should not normally be shown , except when taking an active part in the proceedings ;
11 Should the battery run down , the notation bat will be displayed and it should not be used until serviced .
12 Requests that letters should not be sent to the home address or that the telephone should not be used are always respected .
13 Advertisements and packages which claim that a product is full of ‘ natural goodness ’ , ‘ naturally better ’ or ‘ nature 's way ’ are largely meaningless and should not be used .
14 Nitrogenous fertilizers should not be used on new leys ( with the possible exception of one-year leys grown for hay or silage ) .
15 The occupational therapist may supply portable handrails in the early stages after the stroke , so that the patient has some support on each side while he sits on the toilet , although these should not be used to lean on when standing up or sitting down .
16 The authority was opposed to the use of the equipment by its force and was ‘ very concerned that such weapons should not be used to quell public demonstrations or riots because of the likelihood of serious personal injury or death thereby resulting to individuals ’ .
17 These illustrations should not be used as a basis for comparing similar policies issues by other life assurance companies or friendly societies .
18 These illustrations should not be used as a basis for comparing similar policies issued by other life assurance companies or Friendly Societies .
19 These illustrations should not be used as a basis for comparing similar policies issued bo other life assurance companies or friendly societies .
20 These illustrations should not be used as a basis for comparing similar policies issued by other life assurance companies or friendly societies .
21 As a general rule , age should not be used as a primary discriminator in recruitment , selection , promotion and training decisions .
22 By this time in Durham one J. Bailey ( no relation ) had written that ‘ the expense of horses is now become so great , that they should not be used where it can be avoided .
23 The EP , concerned about moral implications of patenting human and animal life , has supported the Council of Europe efforts , most recently through a joint declaration urging that the Convention should be produced ‘ as speedily as possible ’ and supporting the principle that ‘ the human body should not be used for commercial purposes ’ .
24 This is an item which should not be used .
25 Another potentially lethal hazard has been identified when baby-walkers are used ( Gray , 1987 ) ; it is easy for the child to reach out and pull on a kettle flex or iron flex which perhaps seemed safely tucked away and despite the apparent pleasure derived from baby-walkers , there is enough evidence of related accidents to recommend that they should not be used .
26 The Treasury Lords regarded the rejection of Hall 's Bill ‘ as a virtual abandonment of the whole scheme by the House of Commons ’ , and as the site was now limited to that authorized under the 1855 Act , they did not see why the plan prepared for that site should not be used .
27 However , toilet regimes should not be used if there is a bladder infection until the infection has been cured .
28 These are very useful during retraining the bladder or where a cure is impossible , but they should not be used instead of exercise , retraining or other forms of therapy .
29 The best conclusion that one can draw is that the objectives model provides a useful tool for certain purposes , especially the basic levels of knowledge and skill acquisition , but that is should not be used exclusively nor without judgement .
30 Learners like hand-outs , but they should not be used with monotonous regularity to echo everything the teacher says .
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