Example sentences of "still [v-ing] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The new dietary proved to be an improvement although the youngest children were still wasting a great deal of the milk porridge , and alternation of a diet with tea and bread-and-butter was advised , similar to that given to children over the age of nine .
2 We 'll chose a three-column grid because this is fast to work with while still allowing a good degree of flexibility .
3 In simple computers there are typically eight such switches , still allowing a large number of possible patterns .
4 However , when the two letters to be matched were presented simultaneously , rather than successively , the pattern of results differed for the two visual fields in such a way as to suggest that the right hemisphere was still using a visually-based strategy while the left hemisphere was using an acoustically based strategy .
5 If you are still using a standard radio system and only wish to execute the occasional loop or roll , then you can continue with your existing equipment , but you should realise that you are not going to be able to perform round loops or axial rolls .
6 They must allow for change while still maintaining a high degree of organizational integrity .
7 When Leith was not mutinying against him , she was alternately engaged — while still producing a fair output of work — in wondering if he had really been serious about taking her to Parkwood to meet Travis 's parents this weekend .
8 Tappersdorf was a few stops along the line — countrified and still keeping a rural quietness : poplars masked a factory , behind pre-war houses with steeply pitched roofs fields of sprouts stretched away , the sprouts looking oddly sentient as they stood in their patient , frosty queues , waiting to be picked .
9 The shares are still looking a long way ahead .
10 She was still trembling a little inside , and the thought of staying here in this house on her own made her nervous .
11 In Tibet Ngawang Buchung , a monk from the Drepung Monastery in Lhasa , is still serving a 19-year sentence imposed at a mass sentencing rally in November 1989 .
12 Another of the seven students , 20-year-old Wahyudi , a prisoner featured in the April/May 1989 issue , is still serving a seven-year sentence in Cilacap , Central Java .
13 It is a fortified monastery , restored in the nineteenth century but still containing a beautiful Romanesque nave ( see p. 11 ) and taller Gothic choir .
14 With modern designs , the correct method is to make the descent with some forward speed and then use this speed to flare like an aircraft , still holding a negative pitch setting ( Fig. 8.3 ) .
15 On the question of the public conveniences erm I feel there 's been a lot of discussion about this , this kind of issue and I feel that what we 've got now is a good agreement erm , we 've got still providing a good level of service with attendance at the central I do n't like referring to conveniences , at the time that they are most needed and I think that now I would n't like to see us go without that if we do n't really need to .
16 Cos she 's gone mad and they put it on her , right , and they , they 're holding her and they 're tapping out of the stage sidewards and she 's sort of like going like this , she , she , thinks all these nice men 'll love me and then like at the end of the show you see them , they 're tapping her out of the studio and putting her into a van and she 's still wearing a straight jacket and smiling at you .
17 The Duchess , still wearing a dark-blue velvet evening dress from the night before , posed for pictures on the outside steps with the shooting party all around her .
18 Urquhart had come straight from the office and was still wearing a grey suit with a red tie .
19 So the next morning she went to Rouen station , and when her son , still wearing a fresh crust of pride and sex , got off the train , she was waiting for him on the platform .
20 The total stress ( we are still considering a two-dimensional flow for which the boundary layer equations apply ) .
21 Even with the resignation in his pocket , Baldwin was still facing a nasty prospect in the House of Commons .
22 So Smith is arguing that Freud 's analyses were conducted at a time when society was still undergoing a fundamental shift towards not only an industrialised society but one characterised by the growth of large cities .
23 ‘ We have to get back to a position where investors want to invest in unquoted companies and believe they 're still getting a good return , but I do n't think that will be the 30% they might have been promised . ’
24 and I know it 's too close but I 'm still getting a good wash .
25 Always popular with older Jamaican audiences , from time to time he would perform on ‘ revival nights ’ , still giving a stirring performance on classics like ‘ Come Softly To Me ’ and ‘ Keep On Running ’ .
26 But the chance survival of a record of a miracle on Easter Day not long before Lanfranc 's arrival shows that the monks were still giving a dramatic representation of the three women at the tomb searching for the risen Lord as laid down in the Regularis Concordia .
27 The council is still spending a fair amount of its budget on tourism .
28 I was thus in the interesting position of paying to be patronized , asset-stripping my future and still cutting a despicable figure .
29 What I mean by that is that if there are eight or ten things running across the spectrum from left to right , they 're all at specific points , and that way you can do a more sophisticated job of layering , while still retaining a certain delicacy . ’
30 A sprawling area of loft , still retaining a pleasant aroma of musty hay , had been transformed into a spacious apartment .
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