Example sentences of "still [vb past] in the " in BNC.

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1 It 's , it 's like the one aunty Lynne had and I , I bought for aunty Lynne , years ago , that I still got in the cupboard you know .
2 In Robert Roberts 's farming family this seems to have been the accepted practice on both sides : later on , as a young farm servant , he went to work for an uncle where his mother 's parents still lived in the farmhouse .
3 It was no good , she thought , for Signor Fixit to pretend that he still lived in the age of Just William .
4 I heard the news from a guy I knew who still lived in the village .
5 You 're always saying you wished you still lived in the country .
6 After her reception in the village store , she was not keen to go back with further questions to establish that Veronica still lived in the Red House .
7 Since then she had married someone else and been widowed , but she still lived in the district with their daughter , Anna .
8 Very few Russian nobles moved west , but " in 1858 the majority of the nobles in the Russian Empire … still lived in the nine western gubernii [ provinces ] " .
9 To these reluctant Dutchmen the invasion was a liberation , and even the weather matched their joy ; the sun was climbing into a cloudless sky and beginning to burn of the mist which still clung in the leafy valleys .
10 Although the bolts were thick , I still bent in the middle when I was lifted and carried , a man at either of my ends .
11 The wrecked Wellington bomber still smouldered in the open field .
12 When Watkins put forward his observations regarding remnants of prehistoric alignments in Britain he ran head-on into official archaeological thinking which still believed in the Piltdown Man .
13 In referring once again to employee share ownership schemes , an idea that got him into trouble after the last election , he signalled that he still believed in the ‘ popular socialism ’ that he had advanced in those days as the answer to Thatcher 's ‘ popular capitalism ’ .
14 At the end of the war , as one of the victors , we still believed in the absolute viability of the independent nation state .
15 Mr Wang , 23 , looking relaxed but pale , told reporters that despite his three-and-a-half years in prison he still believed in the principles of democracy .
16 Despite the need to return to a monetary economy under the liberal market conditions of NEP , by the end of 1922 over onethird of total revenue still came in the form of taxes in kind .
17 He later became known as Magnus the Pious because of his unflinching devotion to the cult of Sigmar and to the ideals of nationhood which Sigmar still signified in the divided Empire .
18 It was early , and dew still lingered in the grass .
19 With the exception of one cottage , where a light still shone in the window , all the others were in total darkness .
20 Vi wished she could fire a gun and shoot down those bombers if only for what they had done to Gerry , but it was easy to be brave in this small , precious house when the sun still shone in the evening sky and a west wind blew away the stench of bombing and burning and broken bodies .
21 The Conservatives ' desperation to devise a counter-programme for the land , and the disagreements it provoked , demonstrate the degree of confusion which still existed in the Conservative ranks and the immense problems they still faced before the ‘ rampant omnibus ’ of the Great War rescued them by running down their opponents .
22 For example , Riseholme , near Lincoln , did not finally disappear until the late sixteenth century-ecclesiastical records show that it still existed in the 1520s , but that by 1575 it had no facilities for burials .
23 The day was high and bright , the salt tang seasoning the after-pulse of summer heat which still hung in the air , but nothing could shift my sense of despondency , nagging depression .
24 He had big banks of lights and speakers on either side of his console with some lower-level relays here in the ballroom ; he 'd been running some smoke and dry ice earlier , and some of it still hung in the air and gave the lighted area beyond the doorways the effect of some offworld film set .
25 When people still fished in the lake two carp were caught joined together with golden chain around their necks .
26 Neither made a significant provision before 1820 , and their rivalry still persisted in the 1830s when the government began at last to assist them with grants .
27 Mandeville still sulked in the hall whilst the old beldames in Southgate 's chamber cackled with laughter and asked if I wanted them to wash me ?
28 First , as a criticism of the sheer impracticability of the grandiose project Owen had in 1833 put to the Grand Moral Union of the Productive Classes and which still survived in the objectives though not in the activities of its even shorter-lived successor , the Grand National Consolidated Trade Union , the Webbs ' case succeeds .
29 The early morning was cool and birds still chattered in the long grasses along the line .
30 In the end , they priced the TSR 2 out of the market , though this outcome still lay in the clouded mists of the future .
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