Example sentences of "still [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We still made a certain amount of buckets and bins and things like that which was their stock in trade , but mostly it was erm was erm bomb fins and mortar bombs aerial bombs erm er and er things like er fins for bombs like that .
2 At the end of the War , around a half of British households still lacked a fixed bath with hot , running water , but electricity played a part in changing this ( whether as the only heat source or as summer immersion heating to complement water heating by the more common coal-fired back boilers ) .
3 But that 's the same as if you willed spouse had died before you for instance , and you were the second of two to die and she had n't or she might have everything to the children and you still got a hundred and sixty thousand pounds , you ca n't avoid the inheritance tax in those circumstances .
4 still got a outside me house
5 you still got a stiff neck ?
6 We still got a big pile to stick in have n't
7 I still got a free one .
8 Although the government has gone to great lengths ( £1 million spent on marketing the proposals ( in an attempt to convince us that the NHS will still remain a National Health Service and will still be free to those requiring health care the proposals clearly spell the future of a health service which will move away from being a public tax funded service to a two tier service , with those who ca n't afford to pay on the bottom level receiving inadequate and cash starved services .
9 She retains a liveliness of mind which is quite extraordinary under the circumstances and she still displays a keen sense of humour and a warmth of contact despite the fact that she has to use a machine .
10 The new dietary proved to be an improvement although the youngest children were still wasting a great deal of the milk porridge , and alternation of a diet with tea and bread-and-butter was advised , similar to that given to children over the age of nine .
11 Music still plays a large part in his life and one of the great thrills of filming Consenting Adults was the opportunity to jam with Atlanta blues musicians .
12 We do not have to go quite so far afield to find another language which still plays a considerable part in our daily conversation .
13 Among many other floatplane types , Beech 18s , Beavers , Otters , Cessnas etc that operate from Red Lake , the Norseman still plays a vital role .
14 Detective Furness had earned this nickname for his hair which , cropped unfashionably short , still glowed a vibrant rusty red .
15 Wild animals are used for food but at a level at which they can still reproduce a similar surplus a year later .
16 The large differences show how one can retail one 's own eggs direct to the public at a fairer price and still make a worthwhile profit .
17 But we could sell it to the wine merchants themselves and still make a handsome profit . ’
18 Realising that they could undercut the bids of competitors and still make a fat profit , the Reichmanns turned their company , Olympia & York , towards the property business .
19 We 'll chose a three-column grid because this is fast to work with while still allowing a good degree of flexibility .
20 In simple computers there are typically eight such switches , still allowing a large number of possible patterns .
21 The line still represents a real challenge to footplate crews and one of the major attractions as far as enthusiasts are concerned is to hear the engines working under pressure on the slopes of the Rheidol Valley .
22 Despite this , the privity doctrine still represents a considerable obstacle as manifested in quasi-sale devices such as finance leasing ( see Chapter 13 ) .
23 However , when the two letters to be matched were presented simultaneously , rather than successively , the pattern of results differed for the two visual fields in such a way as to suggest that the right hemisphere was still using a visually-based strategy while the left hemisphere was using an acoustically based strategy .
24 If you are still using a standard radio system and only wish to execute the occasional loop or roll , then you can continue with your existing equipment , but you should realise that you are not going to be able to perform round loops or axial rolls .
25 Though conservation of our most endangered species of butterflies ( such as large blue , heath fritillary and swallowtail ) is largely in the hands of experts , keen amateurs can still make a valuable contribution to conserving commoner species .
26 But there still remain a great deal of summer Sundays in which the massive latent cricket audience can be satisfied .
27 I still remain a wee bit puzzled as to why we do n't try to recruit more than one member in any one large organisation , eg the exclusion of Scottish Power people simply because we have a [ Stewart ] member already .
28 As a sociologist , what he is interested in is the knowledge of a social group and as a Marxist he is interested in the ‘ maximum potential consciousness ’ of a group or class — what it could know and still remain a coherent group .
29 Pests and diseases have had innumerable volumes devoted to them , and still remain a never-ending source of trouble and worry .
30 However , this progress should not disguise the fact that more than half the teaching staff in further education still lack a recognised teaching qualification , an unhappy state of affairs at a time when their task as teachers grows ever more complex and when the overlap with secondary schools becomes more and more marked .
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