Example sentences of "child who have be " in BNC.

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1 The young Wanless , an only child who had been captain of the football team and head boy at his primary school , won a scholarship to Newcastle Royal Grammar School .
2 A smile like that of a child who had been caught stealing sugar and has no choice but to confess lit the Friar 's face .
3 A child who had been taught to pray to a Mother in Heaven would have a religious life radically different from that of a Christian child .
4 Nuala positively glowed , and for a few moments she looked like a child who had been given a present .
5 ‘ Have what done ? ’ asked the child who 'd been listening .
6 A newspaper campaign to prevent breeding by some of the substandard individuals with whom society is saddled would be much more to the point than vapid maunderings about the welfare of a child who has been endowed with an almost perfect inheritance , and is being given the best possible care ! ’
7 The child who has been told that he is ‘ useless ’ , ‘ stupid ’ or will ‘ never amount to anything ’ will go on to become an adult whose Inner Face is that of a worthless individual — even If events prove that the truth is very different .
8 The child who has been moving boats and other objects that float on the surface of the water , suddenly discovers that he can make them sink by holding them down or pouring water on top of them .
9 It is not always the child who has been building that does the packing away .
10 For example , it is a recognized fact that a child who has been regularly beaten by one or both of his parents is extremely likely to inflict the same violence on his own children .
11 Similarly , a child who has been receiving some form of individual help from a clinician , teacher or parent , might be expected to show the effects of that treatment and a comparison of changes over time on the basis of formal assessments would be an appropriate way of obtaining relevant information .
12 For example , the child who has been taught and has learned to make his babysitter laugh whenever he plays with her can not also hit her over the head with a toy when he is playing with her .
13 A child who has been stretched emotionally and imaginatively in fashioning a pot from a lump of clay or weaving upon a simple loom will come , through the process of doing , to learn much about himself and gain some understanding of the pain , pleasure and struggle which underpin craftsmanship .
14 Under section 7 of the Act of 1980 , the parent of a child who has been refused admission to an aided school is given a right of appeal to an appeal committee against ‘ any decision made by or on behalf of the governors refusing … the child admission to ’ the school .
15 If Judge Galpin 's interpretation of the Act and the Rules is correct , it drives a coach and horses straight through an enormously important area of child protection within family relationships ; that is to say , the ability to prevent an abduction and the ability to prevent the possibility of an abduction , or to restore a child who has been abducted to the home where the child should be , unless or until the 21 days service or other abbreviated service has been effected , by which time it may be in certain cases far too late for the welfare of the child .
16 Article 12 of the Convention requires , prima facie , the mandatory return forthwith of a child who has been wrongfully removed , but article 13 , by reason of the Court of Appeal decision to which I have referred , also applies in this case .
17 They receive a child who has been badly let down in the past , who has to learn , painfully , how to care and trust again .
18 Its child protection procedures have information about what to do if a child is worried about HIV , and how to make an appropriate referral if HIV/AIDS came up as an issue for child who has been sexually abused .
19 She wore a faintly sly and greedy look , like a child who has been promised a rather disreputable treat if it 's good .
20 The first explicit recognition comes , as for many women , with an apparently trivial event which provides route into the buried memories combined with hearing a story of a child who has been recently abused .
21 A local authority may therefore bring proceedings : ( i ) to prevent parents from removing a child accommodated by the local authority under voluntary arrangements where a return home is likely to harm the child significantly ; ( ii ) to protect a child who has been significantly harmed in the past where this is likely to happen again because , for example , a parent is known to abuse in certain recurring circumstances ; ( iii ) to protect a child who has never been harmed where the family history clearly places him at risk , eg a new born or a child reaching an age at which other children in the family have been harmed .
22 Like some naughty child who 's been caught playing a prank she just kept her head low , staring at the floor .
23 The child who 's been burned learns to fear fire and so to treat it with respect .
24 Children who 've been given at a far too tender age , the terrible power of holding a loaded gun and be able to command everything in sight as a result of that , have actually got to get back and rediscover childhood .
25 Are some of the yobs , children who 've been excluded from school ?
26 That is um if you erm if you make children er sort of lie down on their fronts with their bums in their air and you and bums in their air and you touch anuses apparently the anus dilates , or it can do , erm allegedly in children who 've been sexually abused in that way , in children who 've been who 've been penetrated anally .
27 That is um if you erm if you make children er sort of lie down on their fronts with their bums in their air and you and bums in their air and you touch anuses apparently the anus dilates , or it can do , erm allegedly in children who 've been sexually abused in that way , in children who 've been who 've been penetrated anally .
28 The coffee stall proved to be very successful and R. T. Smith , who had a heart of gold and a knack of handling welfare problems , gave up his job with Thornycroft 's , in order to found , in 1880 , the Chiswick Mission and he was successful in finding homes for children who had been left motherless , but were not eligible to be accepted into orphanages .
29 Reports were coming from all over the country of different children who had been adopted by this kindly old lady .
30 These children on the whole had greater problems and cried more than the Hungarian children who had been coming earlier and for longer .
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