Example sentences of "must be [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But er but when Marguerite says she 's thinking of having a couple for her living room that ca n't be pictures of somebody else 's room she 's putting up , he must be taking snaps .
2 Clayton home late last night and I thought he must be taking Lorraine home .
3 Thought he must be taking Lorraine home this time of night .
4 Alright , and because that , protectionism is required to do that , we must be taking resources away from more efficient industries and putting them into , into agriculture .
5 If he was really living in the house he must be taking pains to leave no signs of his occupancy .
6 His experiments show that the bees must be taking notice of the dance , and have confirmed von Frisch 's theory more strongly than ever .
7 Liberal Democrats believe that unemployment is a key issue which must be tackled head on , and I am glad of the opportunity to address the issue presented by this debate .
8 ‘ There are no negotiations at the moment , ’ a county spokesman said , ‘ and before they are started the homes must be declared surplus to the councils ’ requirements .
9 As for the ideas of having reference to and being directed up oil , they too must be given sense consonant with the nature of the given contents and objects and the various modes of consciousness .
10 The conscious , alert patient , such as the polio victim , must be given treatment for as long as he desires .
11 Almost everyone in Britain and the United States who has any acquaintance with law believes that Parliament and Congress and the various state legislatures make law and that past judicial decisions must be given credit in later ones .
12 City will be kicking themselves for allowing Cranfield to get back into the game , but the visitors must be given credit for a spirited second half performance .
13 But I think we must be given freedom to choose the time and not commit ourselves to any timetable .
14 COURTS must be given powers to jail child thugs , MPs demanded yesterday .
15 Planners must be given powers to stop that happening before such developments cover the countryside .
16 In training for youth , the child must be given reasons ; in the training of the infant for childhood this can not be done .
17 The court must be given reasons for the decision , together with details of any service or assistance actually provided or to be provided in the future , or any other action taken or proposed ( s37(3) ) .
18 We must be given confidence in the Government who rule us without our consent .
19 We must be given confidence in the Army and the police .
20 So much of the job is unpredictable , and a pressing problem or a spate of pollutions or complaints must be given priority over routine sampling .
21 That that again , if you if you were able to say that 's gon na happen , that will that will that must be given priority , but there 's no guarantee they can find it .
22 because the situations dealt with by professionals are unique , the professional must be given authority to solve them and to be responsible for the outcome .
23 Before making such an order , the Inland Revenue must be given notice of the application of not less than twenty-eight days and if the Inland Revenue object , it must submit a written statement of the grounds and ensure that an officer of it attends court on the hearing of the application ( r 6.194 ) .
24 Therefore , where the plaintiff claims continuing loss of earnings or loss of dependency and the rate has changed , for instance because of salary increases , the defendant must be given notice of the plaintiff 's intention to amend his statement of claim .
25 If the risks of allowing a person to remain at home seem too great the views of neighbours and family must be given weight , as in the case of the blind woman described in Chapter 2 .
26 ( 2 ) The loans must be to defray expenditure incurred in acquiring ordinary share capital of a close company complying with s13A(2) as described above , or in lending to such a close company where the money loaned is used wholly and exclusively for the purpose of its business or the business of any of its associated companies provided the latter are also close companies satisfying the conditions of s13A(2). ( 3 ) When interest is paid on the manager 's loan , Newco must continue to comply with s13A(2) — this means it must continue to satisfy the relevant purpose test rather than that it should continue to remain a close company ; in the case of a purchase of shares in Target , the reason why Newco should be close after the institutions commit to invest is to ensure that institutions and management can invest at the same time and that , at that time , Newco is both close and satisfies the relevant purpose test , ie already controls Target ; management can not commit Newco to acquiring Target until the institutions have committed to funding Newco , and once they have so committed the institutions are likely to control Newco under s416 , so a structure is needed whereby management also controls Newco at this point .
27 One of the major functions of education must be to open people 's eyes to the fact that things were at one time different ; that they have evolved to where they are now ; and that they need not necessarily always remain as they are .
28 The first step must be to restore coherence and confidence to the central direction of economic policy .
29 Moreover , since sea-floor spreading is taking place from both the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the Carlsberg Ridge ( in the Indian Ocean ) , one or both of these ridges must be experiencing movement with respect to the Earth 's rotational axis .
30 On Sept. 9 Frans Andriesson , the EC Commissioner responsible for external relations and trade policy and for co-operation with other European countries , held discussions in Tallinn , the Estonian capital , with ministers from all three Baltic states at which he declared that the EC was " prepared to enter into contractual relations … as soon as possible , but this must be done step by step " .
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