Example sentences of "must [verb] into [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He put it best , perhaps , when he said that the writer must wade into life as into the sea , but only up to the navel .
2 On the one hand it expressed its unease , recalling the need for a comprehensive solution which ‘ must translate into fact the right of the Palestinian people to a homeland ’ , but on the other hand certain members of the Community — Britain , Italy , the Netherlands and France — agreed to help implement the treaty militarily .
3 In the name of harmonisation , and to avoid charges of unfair trading , she says all 12 countries must fall into step with the one with the toughest rules .
4 Sony are also guarded about the technical specification of their search and retrieval engine which means that potential publishers must enter into confidentiality agreements before receiving even the essential information on which to base their preliminary data preparation costs .
5 Here the interests of the workers cross occupational lines … [ and ] if their product must enter into competition with a substitute product made under cheaper working conditions , they will find it difficult to maintain or improve their own circumstances .
6 The court must take into consideration the nature of the testator 's property , the pecuniary position of the dependant , his or her conduct to the testator , and any other relevant circumstance , and the testator 's reasons for the dispositions made by him in his will .
7 Wherever possible , however , the counsellor must take into consideration what the counsellees might themselves have wanted had they been sufficiently well to have made the judgement themselves .
8 Second , we assume that the study of strategic vision must take into consideration strategic content as well as the strategic contexts of product , market , issue , process , and organization .
9 The study of the English economy in the late Middle Ages shows that there were wide discrepancies of fortune between different parts of the country , and that any attempt to understand its development must take into consideration not only such general factors as population change and the effects of war but also the immediate local factors which determined why one area could outstrip another in prosperity or decline .
10 IFN treatment in these patients must take into consideration the CD4 cell count and HLA haplotypes .
11 The overall design concept must take into consideration serveral critical factors , namely :
12 The court must take into consideration the whole of the lease and the purposes for which it was granted , and then see what is the proper construction of a particular covenant ( Bickmore v Dimmer [ 1903 ] 1 Ch 158 ) .
13 When selecting or reappraising channels , the company must take into consideration a number of factors .
14 In other words , they must take into account another meaning of the word structure ( see page 70 ) in the sense that it is the basic framework fur the choreographic design .
15 Dimension immediately suggests that the choreographer must take into account the space in which the dancers move .
16 To communicate the meaning of any story or theme based on real life , choreographers must take into account all the facets of modern thought and behaviour .
17 West Country Living : Where you ca n't overlook the sea Anyone thinking of living in the region must take into account the waterside factor , says Marcus Palliser
18 Anyone contemplating living in the West Country must take into account the waterside factor .
19 Therefore , the analysis of hearing people 's skills in BSL is not simply a matter of eliciting deaf people 's views on hearing BSL users , but must take into account a societal element not apparent in the evaluation of skills in , say , french .
20 So one must take into account the effects of one 's actions on the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of the desires of all those affected , along the lines of preference utilitarianism .
21 Meaning is not simply in an utterance , irrespective of the participants : to understand it we must take into account the inter-subjectivity of the participants , addressing ourselves to such questions as who controls the meaning and the nature of the reference .
22 Any judgment on the preferability of fixed or floating exchange rates must take into account these considerations and recognize that it is a matter of balancing advantages against disadvantages .
23 The legacies of these origins have persisted and there has never been agreement on the nature of international affairs , on the proper methods for studying them , or on the range of elements which theories of them must take into account .
24 In particular , if one is examining the effects of some early experience on adult behaviour , one must take into account the events in the intervening period .
25 In other words , science does not disprove the resurrection : the resurrection is one of the facts which science must take into account .
26 There is , however , one classical restriction which we must take into account , namely the resolving power of optical instruments .
27 The librarian is not , however , tied to a developmental programme or syllabus , and need not consider any other aspects of educational growth , such as the teacher in school must take into account .
28 Being able to find out for oneself has a number of contributory sub-skills attached to it , and in planning resource-based programmes for our classes we must take into account such sub-skills so that we can give the chance for them to develop and mature .
29 Hence , any adequate analysis must take into account the intersection of capitalist , patriarchal and racist structures in order to understand gender relations in contemporary British society .
30 In considering the exercise of their powers the local authority must take into account matters which they ought to take into account , ignore matters which they ought not to take into account and then reach a decision which is not so unreasonable that no reasonable local authority could have come to it .
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