Example sentences of "tell i [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Ranu , a Sylheti woman in her late twenties , told me of the enveloping love and care a woman with her first or second child can receive in Bangladesh .
2 The women I spoke to who had been through the whole procedure told me of the many exhausting visits they had had to make to the British Embassies and High Commissions , of the atmosphere of contempt at these places , of the pettiness of the Entry Clearance Officers ( ECOs ) and interpreters , and the rude and unreasonable questions they had had to answer .
3 Later , over dinner , Mrs Knelle spiritedly told me of the sensation around Lough Corrib when President Reagan had stayed at Ashford Castle .
4 Bill Riffkind , a close friend of Sam 's , later told me of the fight .
5 The boy found me at the sweet shop across the street , and told me of the drama .
6 She often told me of the nightly air-raids , her parents worn out from fire-watching , houses in the familiar streets suddenly plunged into dust , people suddenly gone , news of sons lost at the Front .
7 Kenneth More told me of the unfortunate happenings on the set of The Mercenaries which he made in 1966 in Jamaica with Hollywood star ( though Australian born ) Rod Taylor and American football star Jim Brown .
8 That afternoon in the big , empty cinema , I gave him a private showing of the film , and there were many pictures of Danckwerts 's shipmates of thirty years earlier , including an interview I had had with his immediate superior , Captain Helmuth Giessler , the ship 's navigating officer , who told me of the secret preparations he had made for the midnight departure from Brest in February 1942 of the Scharnhorst , Gneisenau and Prinz Eugen on the eve of their audacious dash through the English Channel to Germany .
9 During a recent visit to an old people 's home , the officer in charge told me of the efforts she had to make to prevent the local children from taunting and mocking the residents-often through the windows .
10 Some 36 years later I was invited to become Patron of Vliegclub Grimbergen , which honour I took very seriously and when my Belgian friends told me of the threatened closure of this , one of the busiest of Belgium 's general aviation airfields , I could see no obvious reason for closure , other than what only seemed to me to be political bias .
11 He told me of the way the rivers were kept permanently netted for fish , of the illnesses associated with la Sologne , and of its politics .
12 It was also he who told me of the Great Ones , ’ he went on with a faraway look , ‘ and how they had chosen us to be saved to do this . ’
13 I laughed when my mother told me of the entire postnatal fortnight spent in the maternity hospital , with bedpans and blanket baths and fierce ward sisters who wagged fingers at you if you as much as stuck a big toe over the side of the bed .
14 And told me of the fraternising between British and German troops on Christmas day in the trenches , and I could n't understand at first how you could shoot at someone all week , then make friends with them for one day , knowing you would try and kill each other again the next .
15 He later told me of the adventure he had walking round the high netting accompanied by an airman on the other side of the wire .
16 He said he was a reporter and he told me of the death of the King , the news had just come through .
17 One banking employee told me of the demise of her bank branch .
18 An elderly English lady , with a tendency to pre-war propriety , who told me on the Friday that she was afraid it would all be ‘ another load of pretentious American rubbish ’ , said on Sunday that she had learned to open up for the first time in her life .
19 Tremayne came to collect me from the hospital afterwards and told me on the way to Shellerton that Mackie had got through the court ordeal bravely .
20 They told me on the 'phone that you were not wounded .
21 Allie told me on the phone that Ted fed her , coming in and saying , ' 'Ere , Marge , have a nice bit of fish with some bread and butter . ’
22 I could n't get it out of them who had paid for her , but old Alex the cleaner told me on the side : Boswell , Slim Boswell . ’
23 ‘ So you told me on the phone . ’
24 No , she to she told me on the phone .
25 As a matter of fact , one of the men from Scotland Yard , a very nice inspector , told me on the way out that the whole thing was a waste of time as far as he was concerned .
26 This is going to be more or less in line with what erm you told me on the phone anyway is n't it ?
27 Douglas now your background here is mainly erm er retail face to face but I can also read into and what er this and what you told me on the phone that there 's erm quote a lot of sales as well .
28 He told me on the phone that Dawn will be leaving in a fortnight 's time and they have n't found a veterinary nurse to take her place .
29 The man told me on the telly that is the best so
30 Yeah , cos we was there in the August , they were n't , we moved in , in the July , there , and the girls were , Matthew was just four , cos just as we moved in our dad took Matthew to Hungary with him , it was like , it was like they were going on the following Wednesday , and he told me on the Friday , he came in on the Friday night , they planned , it was our dad , Crystal and Danielle , Crystal and Danielle , but she said even if I go out in the middle of .
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